Is 1080p better on a 27 or 24 inch monitor?

I have a 27" monitor as well as a few smaller, all 1080p. At 27" 1080p does look a little grainy especially with text, things like Word or Excel docs I find the graininess' annoying. However for gaming and videos it doesn't really matter and I prefer the extra size.
It will depend on how far away from the screen you sit.
I have a 27" 1080p monitor, when i'm reading, typing or doing other non-gaming related stuff i like to sit further away from the screen, about 90cm or so, and text doesn't seem pixelated.
When i'm gaming i like to sit closer, but as sizzling said, you can't really notice it in games.

Its better to game on a 23" 24" inch monitor at 1080p due from pixels per inch and let me show you why

At 23" 1920x1080p the ppi would be at = 95.78

At 24" 1920x1080p the ppi would be at = 91.79

At 27" 1920x1080p the ppi would be at = 81.59

The more pixels you can get in per inch the sharper/clearer the image will look at the resolution and wont look grainy/pixelated. Hope this helps. Now something to think as well if your willing to go 27" inches thats where you want to go 1440p which is a step up from 1080p which also opens the door for higher ppi giving you a clear image at the higher resolution

At 27" 2560x1440p the ppi would be at = 108.79


It has alot to do with the ppi which is why the sweet spot for 1080p monitors is 23 or 24" When you start to get past that the pixels become more bigger or further apart which makes the image look not as sharp as it would of been and more blurry....Like taking a image and stretching it out it will lose some of its detail and u dont want that

Now to some people that doesnt bother them but as for me when dealing with monitors i love getting the best ppi i can get along with the resolution.

For 23" 24" 1080p
27" 1440p and 4k can go in there as well which opens the door for higher sizes at 4k...

I agree tho u want a monitor that isnt crappy but resolution and ppi plays a big part they work hand and hand. As i said the more pixels you can get in that inch the more detailed that image will look providing you have a good monitor and all...

In my opinion, that's not a valid argument. If you move further away, they'll appear identical, but the 27" is now going to also appear smaller, like a 24". PPI is not a way to measure how sharp something looks. For instance, a 100" 1080p screen, from a distance of 10 feet, is going to show more detail (more detail to our brains translates to sharper) than it would on a 50" 1080p screen 10 feet away. People make a similar argument using a smartphones PPI, to determine how much better it is compared to X phone, I find it ridiculous, but that's just me.

For 50" 1080p would look horrible for pc gaming if u wanted to sit back 10 feet which i would rather go 4k at that size and at the same feet you sitting back you going to see a big difference..

PPI has alot to do with it just for the reason i would never use a 27" at 1080p even sitting back i can tell it doesnt pop the same way a 1440p would pop at 27

Look it up man i mean yea u right in a sense if you sitting back its harder to notice the pixels but i can notice it still and being into monitors i wouldnt recommend it

@ Shady Hamster, I'm looking at a 27 as well running one gtx 970, overall you like it for gaming?

It took me a little while to get used to because it was so much bigger then my old monitor, upgraded from a 23" due to the backlight dying, but now i love it.
As i said above, it will depend on how far away from the screen you like to sit, if you like to get close to your monitor for gaming then maybe go for a 24" monitor as you may find yourself having to look around to much to see the whole screen, that's how i feel anyway when i get to close.

Thanks! Good info!