Is 30 fps in console same as 60 fps in pc?


Jul 14, 2016
I am looking to upgrade my pc into a 4k rig, but the problem is I wanted to play some ps4 exclusives. As long as the 30 fps in ps4 pro is not as 60fps in pc, I am not going to buy it. Should I upgrade my pc or save some bucks to buy a ps4 pro?

Is not the same. 30FPS on consoles is a smoother experience than on PC. That is because you are playing in front of a TV with a lot of space between you and the TV. Also, game developers "fix" the experience using many techniques like motion blur, etc. My advice, keep it simple aim at 60FPS on PC. I find it that is still playable until FPS drop between 40-50. Below that, it seems to be better on console. To give you an example, I am starting to play Deus EX Mankind Divided on console because my PC could only handle 30-35FPS an it seemed like I was going to have a stroke.