is 350 W power supply enough to run ASUS R7 250 2GD5


Dec 7, 2016
I am going to buy ASUS R7 250 2GD5 because thats the reasonable graphic card i can afford... But the Question is, is 350 Watt power supply enough to run it smoothly without any problem. I am short funded at the moment, so i actually bought 350 W power supply just 3 months ago for my system but now i am about to cahnge graphic card so will it be enough? The website does not mention explicitly how much power supply is needed, it says "75W" which is confusing to me

Processor : intel i3 3.7Ghz 6th gen
Mobo : Gigabyte H110M DS 2 DDR 4
RAM : 4 GB DDR 4
Power Supply : Thermaltake 350 Watts
Yes it should be good. However, how much is the GPU? Don't expect much gaming on it. You could probably find a 460 or 470 to get better results.

What do you mean by ... '"How much GPU" ?

How much did the R7 250 cost?

I think he is asking the cost.

I would stick to a 1050 card with that small of power supply. You can easily find a 1050 for $110. Probably 3-4 x the performance of a 250.

in my region nvidia 1050 is not available ! most AMD cards or extreme Nvidia cards are available

No idea where you are or whats available in your region so your on your own. Low pro 250 will work with you power supply.

RX 460 is just too expensive , its being sold at 180$ here in Pakistan ! there is some monopoly shit here majority Gaming gear are from Razer and graphic cards from ASUS/AMD ... other brands are just too expensive being sold at 30 to 40 $ more than actual price

Oh I apologize. Well, then go with what you can afford. R7 250 should work just fine