Question Is 60hz on a 144hz monitor supposed to look normal and smooth? (Not for gaming)


Mar 14, 2010
Hello, I'm going to buy 140hz monitor and switch Microsoft surface Pro 2 on it. There is written that pro 2 supports only 60 hz with 3440x1440 monitors. So, will 60hz on a 144hz monitor supposed to look normal and smooth without any problems? (will use it only for browsing and watching movies)
Hello, I'm going to buy 140hz monitor and switch Microsoft surface Pro 2 on it. There is written that pro 2 supports only 60 hz with 3440x1440 monitors. So, will 60hz on a 144hz monitor supposed to look normal and smooth without any problems? (will use it only for browsing and watching movies)

2 months ago

I have this config. Surface dock 1 was limited to 60hz and no hdr. I just upgraded to surface dock 2 and now I can run my 1440p ultrawide at 140hz an with hdr on.