Is 6ms response time too high?

6ms is a good value and you won't recognize anything. 1000ms are one second, so it's really a pretty short amount of time which is not noticeable if you ask me.

Is there any particular reason for you to go for an Acer? If you want your monitor mainly for gaming then take a look at BenQ monitors.
6ms is a good value and you won't recognize anything. 1000ms are one second, so it's really a pretty short amount of time which is not noticeable if you ask me.

Is there any particular reason for you to go for an Acer? If you want your monitor mainly for gaming then take a look at BenQ monitors.

BenQ seems to have everything but they look ugly..if you know where i'm coming from?

Acer is a solid brand aswell, right?

why don't most gamers like to go over 2ms? Does it take away the viewing experience or does ghosting happen or something?

mwahaha fair enough, i guess its easy to look past the design

There's a rumor it does, though I suspect it's a myth.

The human eye in military tests can detect at most 600 fps (or so I hear), but most people stop seeing a difference at 60-90 fps. Some unlucky souls see a difference up to 120 fps. I don't envy them; think of how much more they have to spend on video cards. XD

You couldn't see a difference from 2ms to 6ms, as it'd be physically impossible to see a difference at 144 fps, which is the max any current monitors can display. The framerate would need to be at least 167 fps before 6ms became lower than the framerate.

If people claim to see a difference, it's either a placebo effect, or the company that made the monitor lied and manipulated the response time when it was really 16ms or something. (which is very common among low quality TVs and monitors)

I'm sure it's just bragging rights, much like everything else involving gaming PCs. lol
Don't buy into lots of it. I won't upgrade to 120hz its not worth it to me and for most they only do it to feel great about it. From 60 - 100fps on my monitor thing still get smoother but its not noticeable unless I stop looking at the game and start watching the fps changem .
Okay now so i just discovered the monitors are LCD. I've heard IPS monitors are really good and stuff? Should i get an IPS over LCD monitor? and why?

(yes I know this question should be in a new thread)

LCD monitors can be IPS.
In fact, the monitor you linked is an LED-backlit LCD monitor with an IPS panel.

If you are going to be doing any twitch gaming, such as FPS, I would not recommend an IPS. You want a low response time TN panel, they are best suited for twitch gaming.

I am also going to disagree with the chosen answer. I can tell a difference between 6ms and 2ms, so it's not just a wash. I strongly recommend a 1ms or 2ms TN panel.

Another thing to note, the 6ms is the response time under "ideal circumstances". It's very possible that response time is only achieved in certain scenarios, and often the max response time varies (ie the response time could be 12ms most of the time).

I switched to a $180 ASUS monitor with a TN panel and 2ms response time, and there was literally no difference in input at all from my older $80 8ms ASUS monitor.
I'm guessing one of your monitors was marketed inaccurately.
TN panels are overrated garbage, for the most part. The response time is an arbitrary and mostly meaningless number assigned to justify the poor colors at a lower price point.


TN panels are overrated garbage...? Sorry, can't take you seriously.

There are no gaming IPS monitors for a reason.

Because once an IPS panel reaches suitable quality to be a high cost gaming monitor, it's high enough quality to be relegated to professional photo editing with 99% RGB.
Nobody's going to market many IPS panels to gamers for $400 when they can be sold to businesses instead for $800.

Same reason they don't make "gaming" Xeon CPUs despite the fact they perform better than i5s in games.

You're crazy if you think there won't be IPS panels marketed towards gamers.

If you DON'T think that, then I'm not sure why you posted all of that.