Question Is 850w enough for these parts / dual monitor setup?


Oct 30, 2018
it should be, hellhound only suggests a 700watt PSU.

looks like a good system... I have the Red Devil myself.
It’s solid, but I do have a problem.. I just bought a 1440p monitor to add as my main monitor and have my 1080p as a secondary and my pc is shutting down after some time playing an intensive game. It didn’t do this with just my 1080p running but now that I got both running it’s doing this. I’m thinking maybe a faulty GPU? It’s doesn’t restart either just shuts down and then my monitor brand pops up that’s it. Xmp should be allowed to be on too but I turned that off and did the auto undervolt in the adrenaline software and it didn’t shut down at all after around 30-35 min in. The thing is though, I shouldn’t have to undervolt to get my system to run properly which is why I’m leaning towards the gpu as the culprit..


Undervolting, as in forcing a fixed power plan yeah? Could be an Adrenaline bug with multiple monitors, different refresh rates etc, causing gpu to be unstable. Try revert the underclock and use full power preset for power plan.

If dynamic power plan is the issue, hopefully it is, let Amd know in the community forum so they can address the possibility of it being a bug in their next driver release.


Oct 30, 2018
It’s solid, but I do have a problem.. I just bought a 1440p monitor to add as my main monitor and have my 1080p as a secondary and my pc is shutting down after some time playing an intensive game. It didn’t do this with just my 1080p running but now that I got both running it’s doing this. I’m thinking maybe a faulty GPU? It’s doesn’t restart either just shuts down and then my monitor brand pops up that’s it. Xmp should be allowed to be on too but I turned that off and did the auto undervolt in the adrenaline software and it didn’t shut down after around 30-35 min. The thing is though, I shouldn’t have to undervolt to get my games to not crash which is why I’m leaning towards the gpu…

Undervolting, as in forcing a fixed power plan yeah? Could be an Adrenaline bug with multiple monitors, different refresh rates etc, causing gpu to be unstable. Try revert the underclock and use full power preset for power plan.

If dynamic power plan is the issue, hopefully it is, let Amd know in the community forum so they can address the possibility of it being a bug in their next driver release.
Ok thank you, so you mean change it from balanced to high performance in the power plan options yeah? I’m gonna undue the undervolt and turn xmp back on and let a game run for a bit


Win 11 Master
AMD need to fix that idle power draw problem. They said they had a few drivers ago but I knew it was still happening.

I don't get it as I only have one monitor.

seems his fix is make a custom res with refresh of 142, and use it. Drivers only hate 144 dual screen.
I have radeon chill set so max res I get is 143 and minimum 141 anyway - reduces tearing.
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Oct 30, 2018
AMD need to fix that idle power draw problem. They said they had a few drivers ago but I knew it was still happening.

I don't get it as I only have one monitor.

seems his fix is make a custom res with refresh of 142, and use it. Drivers only hate 144 dual screen.
I have radeon chill set so max res I get is 143 and minimum 141 anyway - reduces tearing.
Yeah they really do, it shouldn’t be a problem but is. I guess I’ll just keep my second monitor at 60hz until it’s fixed still got my 1440p at 170hz which is my main screen so it’s ok for now. It seems the problem more so lies in the power plan mode although lowering the res helps with power. Kinda confused as to how high performance mode fixes it if the clocks go up to that speed anyway when playing a game lol.


Win 11 Master
The main thing that the "High performance" mode does, is it locks your CPU to it's fastest clock speed and never lets it slow down.

So have a 5GHz CPU and you're sitting at the desktop doing absolutely nothing? Yup, CPU is going to be running at a full 5GHz.

The balanced plan allows the CPU to change it's clock speed on the fly. So if you're sitting at the desktop and doing literally nothing, it may slow itself down to a few 100MHz. Then as soon as you do anything that needs more processing power, it'll speed right back up. This saves power, reduces component temperatures, increases component lifespan, reduces noise, etc.


it also boosts power to GPU and offers max performance at the expense of energy efficiency. PC likely to run warmer...

I use Ryzen Balanced myself. CPU doesn't need to be at max speed all the time.


Win 11 Master
Im using an i5 13600k, can I reduce the cpu clocks at idle? They’re at 5.1ghz which is max clock speed
That is the downside to running in High performance. Until AMD fix it, you might have to run monitor slower or run CPU faster... You could always swap power modes when you about to play a game and then swap back to balanced when not.

I accidentally had an overclocked CPU that was also running in high performance mode years ago. I soon stopped both of those things... OC was set up in software and my Samsung SSD software at time had set up its own power scheme that was essentially high performance. I also only had the stock cooler from Intel so it was really toasty. Only thing that saved that PC was its case kept it all cool.


Oct 30, 2018
ok that stinks but is what it is.. I was thinking of getting another 1440p monitor to replace the 1080p just so things are smooth on both same picture etc etc. Would that be a problem right now because I guess of power draw or am I good?
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Win 11 Master
You can probably update to 1440p if you want, the resolution the monitor runs at isn't the problem, its the refresh rate.

XTX power draw is fixed for some and not others - link - and since thats 2 days ago and we have same drivers, its still a problem.