Is a 1600x900 resolution good for a 19 inch monitor?


Sep 7, 2013
Is this good for gaming? What is the best res for a 19 inch monitor?

btw, I have an intel i7 cpu and a radeon HD 7990 gpu


Thanks, but let me rephrase my question. I can't get anything bigger than 19". So, is 1600x900 the best res that you can get for a 19" monitor?

+1 i agree. Op i hope u can atleast go for a 1080p if all else fails. Why would you wanna game on that size and resolution though just wondering

Well, I already have this monitor and I didn't want to buy a new one if this one was fine. Besides, I don't really care about the size, and since it's small you wouldn't be able to tell that much of a difference between one with 1080p anyway.


well i understand that. personally i'm still using my 20 inch monitor (1600x900) with my GTX660 SLI though i do have the plan to upgrade my monitor into 1080 one. if possible 24 inch with IPS panel