[SOLVED] Is a 27 inch 1080p monitor bad?


I don't have vision issues but i wouldn't like seeing pixelated/stretched text. I know that a 27 inch 1080p has 81 ppi while a 24 inch 1080p has 92 ppi. Will the difference be noticeable if I'm staying at about 60 cm from the screen?
(I'm currently running a 2560x1080 25 inch UW with 111 ppi and it's fine but I want to get one more monitor)

Where I live there are some Christmas discounts now and the 24 inch goes for 150$ and the 27 inch goes for 180$

How far away is your monitor?

About a arms length away, I had the 29" version previously and it would be a bit closer. I adjust based on distance but also close enough that I can see the entire screen in my peripheral.

Thanks for the help man. Do you think that I should take the 27 inch version for 180$?


It really depends on what you plan on using it for. If it's just for web/YT/Netflix/etc I'd probably grab the 24", if for gaming I'd grab the 27" but personally I'd go for the 1080P ultra wide at 29" or 34" if your gaming and if your games support 21:9. I saw the 25" version that you have and it just seems too small to actually enjoy gaming but to each there own.

I know, that's exactly why I want to buy another monitor. I plan on using my current one (25" ultrawide) as a secondary monitor for yt/netflix/web and the other one for gaming and main activities. I want to go with a stacked dual monitor setup with the 25" on top.