Isokolon did some good brand suggestions and I would follow him. I searched the web for very quiet fans, which are still powerful enough and found NoiseBlocker fans. Noctua and NoiseBlocker seems to be the best and BeQuiet have some very good parts too. What case do you have and cpu and gpu? 32 dBA is very loud. My case fans are Noiseblocker NB-eLoop B12-1 and B12-2 and I can recommend them. I use them at slower speeds set in Bios. They operate with a loudness of about 12 dBA or so and can go up to 15 dBA, if you want them on highest speed and performance. I think every 3 dBA its double louder than before. So 32 dBA will be like a plane!
By the way, in most times you can't compare dBA from one site or brand with the dBA from another...