Is a 4890 1g is better than a 4870 2g ?


Sep 18, 2009
Im looking at a $200 cap for a vid card, the 4870 with 2g seems like a great buy, but the 4890 1g is now close in the newer board a better performer with only half the ram?

The 4890 1Gb is the better of the two, but not by a huge amount. You're almost better off buying a 1Gb 4870, as that will have plenty of power. Alternatively, you could wait until the 23rd when ATI will be releasing the 5870 and 5850, both of which will knock the socks off the 48xx cards.
There is not single slot card that can benefit from 2 gig of memory.
Even a 1 gig card will show very little benefit unless you are gaming at uber high resolution, the AA and AF turned up as well. Then a 1 gig card will show a "little" benefit over a 512 meg card, but it is not an astounding amount. A 2 gig card is senseless. Just a gimmick to get you to spend your money.

This is almost the exact same question I had a few days ago, but for ATI instead of Nvidia. The faster 4890 with less memory will be better unless you have a very high resolution monitor, and even then the 4890 might still be better.

Ati 4870 1Gb, but Wait till Ati's 5 series come out,
and the prices will drop, save yourself a little money
200$ wont be enough to get one of the 5850

you could a little more money and get the 5850 later