Question Is a 4k display worth it for movies?


Oct 11, 2019
I have never seen a 4k display IRL, so I'm wondering, is the jump in quality relative to 1080p worth it for someone who mainly uses the display for watching movies, shows and youtube videos and does not game? How significant is the difference in quality? Do you personally feel it's worth the extra investment?
What size monitor are you looking at, and how far away do you sit? Those factors heavily impact if the difference is noticable or significant. The larger the screen and the closer you sit the more impactful the change is. Tvs are large, but you sit far away from them so they still look clear, for example.

On my desk I have a monitor arms with 2 27in monitors. One is 1080p and looks noticably blocky, the other is 1440p and massively smoother. Having used 4k 27in monitors in the last moving to 4k is a much smaller change than 1080p to 1440p at this size, although 4k is still noticably better, although if that jump is a worth the money is very subjective.
I definitely feel OLED displays are worth every dollar since the real black background allows the picture to really pop. It helps if you have a dark background behind the OLED display so that all you see is the picture when the room lights are off. And if necessary you can automate the room lights and turn them off by remote control.

As far as 4K goes a lot depends on the quality of the source material. If you're viewing 4K HDR source material you'll be stunned by how incredible the picture is in both resolution and contrast. But if you're viewing lower 2K resolution movies, TV shows or Youtube stuff you won't be wowed as much.