is a 5.9 windows experience any good?


Mar 17, 2014
New laptop: Win 8.1, i7-4600MQ, 12Gb. memory, 1 Tb Hdd (5000 rpm), Intel 4600HD graphics on a 17" HD screen.

It gives an experience index of 5.9... is that any good? For games? For Photoshop type work? Will flight sims (FSX, DCS, etc.) run well?

Thanks. BTW I"m moving up from an older lptop at 3.8!
I though they have removed the experience index in windows 8.1.. 😱 anyhow WEI is crap, don't pay attention to it, just get a good benchmarking tool. Most of the time 5.9 is the highest you can get with a mechanical drive by the way.
The windows experience is not a good way to judge or rate the performance of your computer. Since you're using the Intel HD Graphics, you won't get very high settings in games, if any at all. You might be able to get med settings on the lower end games that utilize the processor over the graphic card like LoL. But other than those, expect low settings at most.
It should do decent in photoshop though due to the i7 and 12gb of ram.
it breaks it down by component and the lowest rating is what it gives you for a score. typically a non ssd hardrive is always scored at 5.9 in windows experience. that is why your score is 5.9 it really deosnt have that much to with how your computer performs

They just hid it. It's burried in a text file (no more GUI) named: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore
They explain how to do it here-

I bought it with 8 on it and saw the index then. Later I got the free update to 8.1
