Is a 970 worth it for a 144hz 1440p monitor?


Jan 15, 2015
Looking at upgrading to a better quality monitor in the near future, and I am a bit concerned as to how well a 970 will do.
On principle, I have no real intention of buying a mislabelled, misadvertised product. But I do trust nVidia products as I've been stuck with a 460 for 3 years.

Just wanna know what can handle a 144hz 1440p 27" monitor. Most likely 2, or a 4k monitor.
A GTX 970 will play most games on high or ultra settings at a playable FPS (45~75) on a 1440p monitor. Go any higher with the resolution like 4k and you'll start needing to SLI a few GTX 980's to pump out a playable FPS.
A GTX 970 will play most games on high or ultra settings at a playable FPS (45~75) on a 1440p monitor. Go any higher with the resolution like 4k and you'll start needing to SLI a few GTX 980's to pump out a playable FPS.
144 fps @ 1440p at max settings is a lot for a 970 and a modern game.

You can drop the monitor refresh rate (and hence the fps needed) to 120, 100 etc.
I found the visual difference between 100 and 144 mostly indistinguishable, but obviously rendering 30% less frames means you can crank up the detail.

A 980 would be ideal, but you're paying a lot more.