Is a ax1500i too good for this pc?


May 21, 2014
I was wondering if it would be a bad idea to get a corsairnl ax1500i for $150 slightly used? I hear d somewhere that the efficiency can come down alot when the psu isn't at full power. I need a new psu anyway because my current pc is crashing because the psu is bad.

Wattage comes out to 600w

I7 3770K
Z77 PRO3
2x8gb ddr3
Lots of fans
May be water cooling in future.

Any help thanks.
A bit overkill maybe, as 1500 watts is usually for multiple gpu systems. So unless you plan on adding another gpu or 3... I'd stick to a lower wattage and higher rating, I dont know which ones you should have. But PSU is better bough with a reciept since they are prone to coilwhine.
I'd rather get a new retail unit.
Also your system doesn't draw 600W.

Your cpu is set for 77W let's say you overclock it and use double that power to 150W
+ RAM let's say 20W extra
+ The 980Ti 250W
+ Your board 60W
+ Your drives 15W
+ Lots of fans let's add very unrealistic 15W

Sums up to around 500W

I'd get a 750W corsair RMx / Evga Supernova g2 / XFX XTR or Seasonic G for that setup