Is a Dell destined to fail?

Jul 24, 2018
Quick question:
I've had an Inspiron laptop for around 4-5 years. Over that time, 3 years were spent with my stubborn self keeping the failing hard drive alive not wanting to buy a new one, as there were no signs there should be a failure and there shouldn't be after the first couple years as I took very good care. I'm thinking it had to do with the terrible Windows 8. The hard drive finally died a few weeks ago. My question isn't hardware related, but more of a general Dell question; is it common for these pieces of * to fail? I've heard a lot of bad things about Dell, but a Google search fails me for some reason


Dells use the exact same hard drives as you'd buy from the store.
Sometimes drives die.

I've had drives die at the 5 week point. I have other drives still running after 20 years.

Your problem was nothing to do with Dell or not...just that particular drive died.