is a good mouse vital for FPS?


Nov 17, 2015
I never played any competitive FPS on the PC before, but now that I signed up to Origins Access I'm gonna play Battlefield games. I've always used the cheapest stock mouse (HP, Dell, etc).

So my question is, do I really need these 100$+ mouse in order to be competitive in these FPS (those with super high DPI, what does it do anyway)? I saw this combo at a good price, and wonder if they will do.

If you are a skilled player you can play with any mouse but even then a good gaming mouse that suits you will make you a better player.

On a gaming mouse the important things are the sensors, DPI and software that allows you to configure the device. This is a great all round mouse for a great price:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Mouse: Logitech G502 Wired Optical Mouse ($59.99 @ Best Buy)
Total: $59.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-07-15 12:38 EDT-0400
dpi is the rate at which the mouse tracks its position so a mouse with a higher dpi is more precise but for fps i can recommend 2.6 to 3.2 k dpi mouse i suggest you put 40 $ on mouse alone if you want to keep it for a long time i got my razer taipan been with me for 4 years and hasn't had any problem
cheers 😀 stock mouses sucks and get destroyed so fast
If you are a skilled player you can play with any mouse but even then a good gaming mouse that suits you will make you a better player.

On a gaming mouse the important things are the sensors, DPI and software that allows you to configure the device. This is a great all round mouse for a great price:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Mouse: Logitech G502 Wired Optical Mouse ($59.99 @ Best Buy)
Total: $59.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-07-15 12:38 EDT-0400
I used a cheapo Dell 3 button optical mouse for years, no worries. It was comfortable, fit right and was semi indestructible. Biggest drawback wasn't the dpi, which is more important for accuracy, especially long range sniping etc, it was lack of options. Only 3 buttons meant easy options needed to use left hand on the kb. And I don't type fast, and have to look to find the F keys. A 5 or 6 button mouse goes a long way to making up speed, reflexes, quick chats, quick weapon swaps etc while not using kb or taking fingers off WASD buttons
No, you do not need a super expensive mouse to make you competitive. Skill and practice are the most important elements to being a competitive player.

However, a good gaming mouse that suits your grip style and preference is like a good set of headphones. It will significantly enhance your gaming experience. As you get accustomed to it you will be able to take advantage of the higher precision and reliability of a premium product which will boost your gaming abilities. Ask yourself this: "Why does Usain Bolt use the best and lightest running shoes available instead of army boots?"

As a competitor you will find that the small things, ie better mouse/keyboard/headset/monitor, etc, does eventually make a difference in your gaming.

I own a Mionix Castor which is a 10,000dpi mouse, and it is incredible. The precision and control cannot be compared to my previous mouse (logitech g300). Has it made me a far better player? Nah, not really. Has it enhanced my gaming experience and the enjoyment I get out of it? Absolutely!!