Is a i5 4690k worth it?


Jun 20, 2014
I am looking to move from my weaker fm2+ cpu to an i5. I am wondering if something like this would be good enough for gaming at 1080p 60+fps and still be powerful enough to run newer games in the future. If so what would be a better mobo I don't think a z97 would be worth it if I cant overclock. (maybe even a cheaper cpu will be good enough?)

Will something like a i5 4690k be better or is the extra performance not worth the price $200 at microcenter)

I have a r9 280 that is overclocked and I know there will be a bottleneck but I don't want that stopping me from getting a better cpu because I can always upgrade in the future.
Well for gaming overclocking is practically useless, you will most probably get 1 fps more than stock clock, if you're mostly gonna game on that pc go for the non k one, if you plan to do rendering for example go for the k, and most probably a better mobo and CPU cooler.
Well for gaming overclocking is practically useless, you will most probably get 1 fps more than stock clock, if you're mostly gonna game on that pc go for the non k one, if you plan to do rendering for example go for the k, and most probably a better mobo and CPU cooler.
The 4690k will not slow down any games and is preatty future proof, but you could go with a cheaper cpu that will get the same preformance in games right now but wont be as future proof.You could go with a less expensive i5 from the same series, that way you can upgrade to the i7 if it gets slow in the long run


For gaming you could go for the non k model or an i5 4440 or an i5 4590. Get yourself any Asus/Gigabyte/ASrock h97 chipset motherboard.