Is A MacBook Worth It?


Feb 18, 2012
I was going to save up £999 to get a new MacBook pro 13"
I wanted to know, are they worth it?

I will get the entry level model, 4gb ram, i5 dual core and a 320gb hdd (I think)

Thanks for your help!


Jan 3, 2011

No, Not unless you feel the need to spend extra money to think you look cool. If you want a good laptop for a reasonable price Apple products are not where you should be looking and if you just want to join a mindless cult, there are plenty you can join for free.
It really depends upon your needs, for music and video use, Mac owners swear by 'em but for gaming and other... MS OS's may perform better (configuration dependant). I haven't touched a mac in 7 years so...
It really is the kind of question only your own personal research will answer as you can probably tell from the above answers

Joe Baltake

Apr 19, 2012
I would say it depends on what you're going to use it for. I recently got one for my mom and it's more than adequate for her. I have a Macbook too, it's pretty nice, everything's faster, better graphics and lots of other things.


Jan 3, 2011
Faster than.......... What? Better graphics than.......... What?

Faster and better has to do with a computers hardware, not the brand name. Apple buys the internal components from the same people that PC manufacturers do, only apple charges 33 to 50% more than most after they put it in a box.

I only say "more than most" because even though I don't know of any company that charges more than Apple for the same components, I'm sure there are other unscrupulous people out there willing to take advantage of other uninformed/misinformed individuals.

This isn't an Apple hating thread. Regardless of whatever unfavorable outlook I may or may not have for the company but, I do not think it's fair to insinuate that any laptop could be faster and better due to it's brand when it's all about the hardware none of which was made by Apple.

The OP said "I was going to save up £999 to get a new MacBook pro 13" I wanted to know, are they worth it?" and the only truthful honest answer I can give is NO!


Jan 3, 2011
Ok. well so far I've criticized apple without offering any concrete alternatives so here it is: Asus (AKA Asustek). They not only make some of the best, most innovative hardware on the planet for many PC manufacturers but, they've also supplied Apple with hardware for their computers.

Until fairly recently they made Apple's 13" MacBook however, Apple no longer uses them since they are a direct competitor in that market.

Asus has a very complete notebook line to cover every aspect of the market.

They offer much better performance/quality/value/styling/warranty than Apple has ever dreamed of.

Here is one example: and they offer many better alternatives to the pro as well.

I particularly like their "bamboo" design. They have plenty of others.

"thomasd221" Do some more research, although this is a good 1st step. Don't get caught up in hype. All computers are just a bunch of hardware in a box. So you need to:

1.) Find a company that deals with assembly, heating and compatibility issues well (Since Asus designs more of there own hardware than possibly any other computer manufacturer they do this extremely well).

2.) Find a "box" you like (in your case, the laptop housing)

3.) Pick the best hardware and features for you needs and budget.

Do more research. Be a tech savvy computer buyer. Be individual, don't buy something because others have bought into the hype and they think something is cool. Because.....well....that just isn't cool. :sol: