Is a R5 1600 overkill for a GTX 1060 (6GB) ?


Nov 28, 2016
Hey there, So... I am planning to build a PC, and I am a first time builder. So, I am quite tight on budget, and was thinking of downgrading on either the CPU or the GPU. Downgrading on the GPU doesn't seem like a good option, especially when you consider modern AAA titles, so I need to change my CPU. I was wondering if a 1600 is overkill for a 1060, and if it is, which CPU will be a decent pair for the 1060? You people have helped me a lot, and that's why I think I can rely on you!
Here's the specs -
GTX 1060 6G OC
16GB DDR4 2400mhz RAM
500 Watt (80 plus standard)
a b350 motherboard
a 1 TB Hard Drive
And oh!, if you think another GPU has a better performance around the price of this GPU, please inform me!
Thanks a lot for at least reading till here!

goto for future checks, just put in details of what you have / looking to purchase and it will report back if any of the parts are a bottleneck. Anything over 10 or 15% and it will recommend to change the part.

In my system, I have an Rx480 Nitro+ 8gb, and apparently its causing a 22% bottleneck in games for my CPU which is an...
A good analogy is that your GPU is a water hose, and your CPU is the opening. You can have a lot of water pressure but if the opening isn't big enough there will be a bottleneck (similarly at a certain point having a wide opening won't matter if you don't have enough pressure. Having a better CPU usually mean more stable FPS, so I would definitely recommend the 1600 along with a motherboard equal to or greater than the MSI B350 tomahawk. For the PSU I'd recommend this one by SeaSonic:

For the RAM higher MHz is very beneficial on Ryzen, and this 3000Mhz kit is somehow cheaper than 2400:

No, I'm just saying that it's not a bad thing to have a slightly beefier CPU. You could get an r3 and play most games fine but it might be nice to have a better CPU for games that can utilize more cores.
You might be right, but considering the rate at which both the teams are releasing their brand new and better CPUs (thanks to Ryzen's arrival), I don't think devs are gonna continue supporting "4-cores for gaming" trend or something like that in the near future. So, I just wanted your (the community's) thoughts about it — should i pick a 1500x with 4 cores, or 1600 with 6 cores?

goto for future checks, just put in details of what you have / looking to purchase and it will report back if any of the parts are a bottleneck. Anything over 10 or 15% and it will recommend to change the part.

In my system, I have an Rx480 Nitro+ 8gb, and apparently its causing a 22% bottleneck in games for my CPU which is an R7 1700, thankfully though I have a GTX1070 OC 8gb on the way to resolve that

In your case, calculating the R5 1600 with the 1060 also reported back a 14% bottleneck, I believe the 1060 is pretty much equivalent to my RX480, and a 1500x with your 1060 was a good match with only a 4% bottleneck, which is acceptable.
Thanks a lot Seanie280672! You saved me a lot of hassle!
And thanks to MnMWizard as well, for his/her thoughts on this issue!
That's why I love this community, 'cause everybody is always there to help you when you need it the most!