Question Is a VPN Router a Good Deal?

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Dec 3, 2016
Is a VPN Router a good 2 in 1 Deal and more efficient as it provides both routing function and also eliminates the need for a software VPN or VPN Service.
They're not very much more then a regular router...
Wouldn't mind being more secure but know little bout VPN's cept loggin into one employers occasionally for certain functions(user side).

Sounds pretty good, built in hardware in the router - no need for paid VPN service or additional software.
Certainly sounds efficient in opperation , speed and value.
From readin bout em, it's said:
"With many router models, once you've gone through setup and ensured the connection is stable, all you will need to do is enable the VPN function. Furthermore, some routers come with inbuilt VPNs, so you only need to click a button to stay protected."

Sounds too good to be true - I love Smooth(integrated)- think i want go that way...
Do they interfere with normal activity, be only applied selectifity, etc?
What's the Whole Story on em?

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Dec 3, 2016
To be a VPN endpoint or to be a VPN client ? --> Both, I run IIS & Http services via DynaDsn ( This in onea mine-> - haven a little problem with Https(SSL) cause it's hard($$$ wise) to get a certificate for a DynaDsn's.

What throughput are you expecting on the VPN ?
On occasion - A good bit a Volume & and I do want it FAST! At least as fast as Cable(Spectrum) allows...
A vpn is not a single location it is at least 2. If one end is in your house where is the other end. Do you plan to run routers say between 2 houses. Do you for example plan to load a vpn software on your phone so you can access your house network when you are away from home.


Dec 3, 2016
primarily the purpose is to stop the trackin, snoopin, ads/popups/tayloredexperiences and invasions into my nice little network... and thats not even mentioning the useless interuptions/disruptions to productivity. Like just now am reading a good article bout VPN's/privacy from PCMag ans Bang,Itgoes " Please enter Email to continue! This stuff's gon totally overboard!
And it's gone potentially very digitally Dangerious. And its clearly obvios.Whwn one's ask "Do you want change whatever on ALL DEVICESS!" That's Dangerious!and possibly catistrophic!
Now i'm squeaky clean, with nothin much to hide cept embarising foolishness, but Google (via my GoogleAcct & AmazonAcct&FireSticks/Alexa)) has a betterNetworkMap of my personal LAN & Devices(TV's,Printers,machines, communication equipt - plus PhonNums/ContactInfo for the whole FamDamly, friends & relatives than Microsoft Does via WinExplorer's Network view/map!
That's WAY over the Top...

I Want Low Profile! Outa Sight - Outa Mind (and Outa harms Way- Secure!)
Maybe just a VPN service (and an anonomus box) is all that's needed?
Wanta go NeedToKnow Only, else most others need to know Nothin!


primarily the purpose is to stop the trackin, snoopin, ads/popups/tayloredexperiences and invasions into my nice little network... and thats not even mentioning the useless interuptions/disruptions to productivity. Like just now am reading a good article bout VPN's/privacy from PCMag ans Bang,Itgoes " Please enter Email to continue! This stuff's gon totally overboard!
And it's gone potentially very digitally Dangerious. And its clearly obvios.Whwn one's ask "Do you want change whatever on ALL DEVICESS!" That's Dangerious!and possibly catistrophic!
Now i'm squeaky clean, with nothin much to hide cept embarising foolishness, but Google (via my GoogleAcct & AmazonAcct&FireSticks/Alexa)) has a betterNetworkMap of my personal LAN & Devices(TV's,Printers,machines, communication equipt - plus PhonNums/ContactInfo for the whole FamDamly, friends & relatives than Microsoft Does via WinExplorer's Network view/map!
That's WAY over the Top...

I Want Low Profile! Outa Sight - Outa Mind (and Outa harms Way- Secure!)
Maybe just a VPN service (and an anonomus box) is all that's needed?
Wanta go NeedToKnow Only, else most others need to know Nothin!
A VPN may not improve your browsing experience. I would recommend you start with PiHole DNS.
A vpn does none of the things you really want.

A over simplistic example would be say you didn't want your mailman to know who you were sending letters to and you wanted also pretend you lived in another state. You would take your mail and put it in a box and send it to a friend in another state. They would take the mail out and put their address as the return address and give it to their postman. The final person getting the mail get the mail with a post mark from the other state with a return address of your friend.

Pretty much that is all a vpn does. BUT again you can not just put a router with vpn on your end there must be something on the other end to receive and resend the data into the internet.

Almost everything you talk about is inside the web pages themselves. You should be able to stop a lot of it with adblocker add on for your browser. You can go a step farther as recommended above with pihole but there is no way to completely stop the abusive behavior you see on many web sites.


Dec 3, 2016
A vpn does none of the things you really want. - Yep, a VPN alone aint gonna doit..

The score of the Prob's a bit larger.Even my 2 Win 11 are gettin to NOT Like each other. The new Win 11(build 23h2) makes beebs, noises, warnings and Houndings - NO! I really don't really want to Share all this thru the network...
Especially "to Authorize across All Devices" - Too MUCH

But Whatch gonna Do... If one's gonna run it, it's gotta be kept Happy

Win in takin up too much time.
All this VPN, Anonomity & Nix interest (and possible solutions like PiHole)
are just gettin pushed back on the time horizon till actuall get a Nix box fired up.
Thank for all the Prep info


The score of the Prob's a bit larger.Even my 2 Win 11 are gettin to NOT Like each other. The new Win 11(build 23h2) makes beebs, noises, warnings and Houndings - NO! I really don't really want to Share all this thru the network...
Especially "to Authorize across All Devices" - Too MUCH
You do not have to sync across all your devices.

Fun do not need to be logging in with a Microsoft account all the time. At all.
On all my Win 10 and 11 systems, Local Standard and Admin users are the main users.
On this Win 11 Pro system I'm on right now, I've not logged in with the MS account in...I can't remember the last time.

Local accounts do not see that "Shared Experience" prompt.

No VPN needed.


Dec 3, 2016
Fun do not need to be logging in with a Microsoft account all the time. At all.
Yes that's true & all said is also...

And also, a Microsoft Acct is NOT even necessary to install, activate or use Win 11.
I didn't give either of my 2 win 11 installs any MS Acct on install and there is a clickable way around that right on the install, I didn't give MS an MS acct cause I have 3 of em( one for support, 1 for my MS Certs, & 1 for MSDN that wok reimbursed me for(why cause ambiguity).
Those red X'ed - Needs Action notifications(Beep, Buzz) stuff I posted just popped up recently
That Sharing is new also...
Win is getting More Demanding all the time....
Just put another Nickel in....
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