Sorry, should've mentioned, i am playing at 1080p. And my GPU isn't 1660ti, it's gtx 1660. A little down the notch1080, 2k, or 4k?
If you are gaming at 4K, the 1660TI only hits 29FPS on AC Unity. Whether that's because the game engine is that demanding or not optimized its what happens. I'd say you aren't doing anything wrong, assuming you aren't playing at 1080.
Solved it, sort of.I knew gtx 1660 was a midrange card when i bought it, but ac unity being 4 years old, i had cranked everything to ultra. That was a mistake. I have now set anti aliasing to FXAA, ambient ooclusion to SSOA, shadows to high, and everything else to ultra. Fps still dips to 44 (rarely 30) in crowded areas, but mostly stays within 50- 60. Thanks for taking the time to answerI know, but they didn't have the 1660 on that chart.
Sometimes people buy a card thinking it's the greatest ever, when in fact it's barely even mid range. I didn't know if that was you. Just because you bought a $200+ card doesn't mean you can run ultra settings and get 60+FPS in every game.
30FPS at 1080? That does seem low. The 1060 scores 56FPS, while the 1660TI hits 79. I would think you should be closer to 60+. Have you tried reinstalling drivers? Any chance your CPU is overheating? RAM speed too low?