Is Acer Motherboard compatible with other casses?


Aug 15, 2016
Im planning on upgrading my prebuilt PC (Acer XC-710). Many GPU requires 2 slots and more power, while this PC has space for 1 slot and comes with 220W PSU. I'm doubting if the motherboard would fit in a different case. Im assuming that its a mini atx mobo.

This is what it looks like inside the case.

The CPU is ok, all i want to add is a high watt psu and and a gpu.
Heres a picture of inside the case. Its multicoloured? Any suggestions on 300W - 400W PSU?


I have chosen the msi gtx 1050 aero itx 2g. It doesnt require any additional power but my current 220W, probably doesnt have enough power for it. I would have to change the case to replace the psu.