Is Alienware Working On A Gaming Tablet?

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I build my own computers nowadays, but I have to say that they make quality products, my old i7 960 Alienware deskstop is still kicking though my 2003 Alienware desktop just had the GPU go down. As far as laptops I've had good experiences with both Alienware and Dell for gaming laptops; had one Alienware survive hours of bouncing in the trunk of a HMMWV for hours in '06, my 2008 Dell XPS with dual 8800s is still runing strong (battery is kaput though) after spending 6 months in third world countries, and my little M11X still works like a charm after breathing in 9 months of A-Stan pollution. So I'm interested if Alienware does this tablet thing, because if it stands up like the rest of their stuff I've had then that will will be great.
I actually like the Alpha; it's not completely next-gen as it may only just run some of the newest games, but for such a tiny machine it's actually pretty well specced for the entry level model (not sure I'd pay the extra for the next one up, when you can just slap another stick of RAM into the base model for $40 or so).

I only hope it doesn't tank, as I think the Alpha is most exciting for what the next model will hold, as mobile processors (particular Nvidia ones) are coming ahead leaps and bounds. Either that or I'd be interested to see an AMD-based model, as a decent AMD APU (for the co-processor possibilities) plus a good Radeon chip could actually be a great combination if developers finally start to add HSA code (since the Xbox One and PS4 should both be capable of using it).

My main gripe with the Alpha is that it seems like they could easily have made the GPU upgradeable as well; even if the boards were purely proprietary, it would prevent the Alpha being stuck on the 320m. Not that it's a bad chip, for the size and thermals it's actually pretty damned good, but there's no sense putting an i5 or i7 into an Alpha when the graphics are the most limiting part.
I'm with loki1944 on this one. Alienware makes a great product--even though it is overpriced (that I will admit). I bought a tower system in 2001 and it ran for 8 years without anything needing to be replaced. Sometimes--you do get what you pay for! I would be very interested in a tablet offering from them.
I don't think they are doing it. I think they are playing with the idea of an optional tablet interface to their console and desktop lines.
Meh - I get that everyone is mobile these days but I think you can get by with a desktop at home and a tablet on the go without having to resort to a high-end tablet to game on. I am on the road for work fairly often and I get by with my Yoga 2 Pro for steam games like L4D or ios games on my phone without feeling like I am missing my gaming PC while in a hotel room. If I felt like I needed a better mobile gaming experience, I would be getting a PSP (not a PS4 owner so it's not about brand, it's just the best pocket gaming console out there).

Am I alone on that front? Doubt it...but I am sure there is someone out there that is saying "OMFG - a gaming life is complete!" I thought those people would have picked up Razer's gaming tablet if there was really a market for those but what do I know
Alienware Laptops kick ass. I've owned several Alienware Laptops and have never been disappointed. I'm still using the one I've purchased over 10 years ago. People will ridicule you for owning one? Never happened...Ever! If I'm going to be ridiculed, let it be for owning an Alienware laptop.
I do not see a point to gaming tablets. When I travel I must bring my work with me which necessitates that I bring my laptop. The alienware 13 or in my case the m11x r3 functions perfectly in this case. Tablets are absolutely uncomfortable to use for gaming, and the controls suck. I do hope that alienware/dell does not waste their time with one like nvidia has. I love the alienware alpha.
Well for me, who travels back and forth overseas on 17-20 hour flights, I personally hope they make a great gaming tablet, I'm already impressed with Knights of the Old Republic I, Bard's Tale, Sid Mier's Pirates, and The Walking Dead on my iPad Mini; and it lasts a whole lot longer than my M11X gaming off of the battery and personally I prefer the touch screen controls on the iPad to using a touchpad on a a laptop.
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