Is all ram of laptops backwards compatible in speed


Sep 22, 2015
Hi guys ,
I have workstation laptop with me and it had a (2+2)Gb ram config. But now one of those 2 had failed stick is ddr3 I don't know what speed it supports but all ram of same gen ddr3 will clock themselves down right?

I think my system has a 1333mhz and I am Thinking to get a 4gb of 1600/1866,
So whenever I have to give the workstation back I'll pull out my 4gb and put in my personal laptop that is 4gb ram as of now .
The simple answer is yes sometimes it will work. And yes it does downclock. SO if you have ram its worth trying. But if you're buying ram you want to buy the correct ram for the application.
No they are not. You need to search out ram specific to your Laptop. Its not just speed but timing that is a factor.

The easiest way is to use crucial's memory search, either let it auto detect or look up the exact laptop you have.

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