Is AMD FX 8350 Bad?


Jan 25, 2016
I'm building a PC and thinking about getting the AMD FX 8350, but my friends are telling me it's a bad processor even though games like GTA V and Witcher 3 recommend it in it's spec sheets Are they right?

Do you have any cpu in mind?
It all boils down to how much money you have and wish to spend on your system.

Your friends no doubt, most likely have Intel based cpu`s Asian.
Intel Cpu`s are more powerful when it comes to cpu intensive tasks.

But if the amount of money you can afford to spend on a new system is a problem.
Then a AMD FX 8350 cpu is fine for a system build for running games on.

It is not a bad cpu at all for the price you are paying for it, with 8 cpu cores.
It is just less powerful than an Intel cpu as said.

There is always a battle between people devoted to Intel cpu`s and Amd cpu`s.

The main thing is both are capable cpu`s, but Intel ask more for there cpu`s based on the better performance.
Where as AMD CPU`s are cheaper but get the job done.
It's not that it's bad, it's just not the first choice for gamers anymore.

It can still be an impressive value for the money if including it is a stretch for your budget, but not too far above it (in cost) is the Haswell entry level i5. Because the i5 can process more instructions per clock cycle, is generally viewed as better for games, and so the FX takes a bad wrap. The FX is a great workstation though (editing/rendering), and if you game at 1080p and also multitask (record, stream, chat on second monitor while gaming), it can have some advantages for the money.

I have one myself, and it does just fine with GTA V and Witcher 3.....but the Intel setup with the same GPU/resolution gets more FPS. Basically all depends on the money you can spend, and how you balance that with your GPU budget and performance expectations.