Is an upgrade worth while for gaming?


Feb 17, 2013
So my son has gotten my old system and had that for a while to game on. But Today I got my hands on another board and CPU, but are unsure if its an upgrade or not! Hoping for some help.
Checked the Cpus and they are similare, and thats why Im unclear if its a real increase!

The Old setup is the following:
Motherboard: HP Narra 3 (ASUS M2N68-LA) Cannot be overclocked
CPU: Phenom II X4 940. Quad core 3Ghz.
DDR 2 memory PC2-6400 6GB

New system possible:
Motherboard: Acer H57H-am2 v2.0 Maybe overclockable, if not generic.
CPU: I5 650 or I5 660(have both) Dual core 3,2Ghz(3,46 turbo)
DDR: PC3- 10600 6(8gb)

So the ram is a bit faster but as Iv understand thats not mutch. The I5`s are dual core and the Phenom is quad core. But CPU boss has them pretty equal where sometimes the phenom is better and sometimes the I5. So which setup is better for gaming, and is it by mutch?

Even tho the i5 650 is a dual core with hyper threading making it a 2core + 2 thread pc (appears as a quad core and functions like one) with that oc it is better than the phenom. An i5 660 or 650 is an upgrade to the phenom + 8gb of ram is a nice bonus. The difference is not huge but about 10% faster from what I've seen from the i5.