If this cpu is a bottleneck, can anyone show me a benchmarking software to prove that this cpu is worthless any more?
Fact is the cpu is low in specs for that GPU and might be a bottleneck due to fact only got 4 threads and 4 cores not really good!. I just think 9600k of i5 but may be possable you might need new MB
Have you looked at this?You can't expect a 9-year-old mid-range CPU to be amazing anymore.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPWEdbfJ0oE
Any new CPU would cream it.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is like 2 years old and sees these results:
2500k gets 54 fps
A new Ryzen 5 3600 is 137fps
A new I7 9700k is 166fps
Why pay for a $500+ GPU and be so CPU limited you can only see 1/3 of the FPS you would get with a more capable CPU.
With 10th gen coming out, you could get a new 6 core 12 thread i5 for under $200.
Ah ok. So that video comparing 4c/4t to 4c/8t to 6c/6t to 8c/8t to 8c/16t is completely wrong. Actually watch it and there are your answers. News flash. It's not 2011.The fact is that you don't need a 6 core or 8 core cpu to play high graphics and high FPS games with a decent GPU like a RTX 2080.
I think you should try and game on that CPU with 2080 and see what its like and run some test and see if you enjoy the performance because many people trying to help and you just want proof that it will bottleneck so testing it out might answer your question ! You need to move with the times when your system gets older because might not be able to play much games!. You have an good GPU but cpu is to weak!
Also try this might help little bit
I don't have that RTX 2080 GPU yet, what I have is Gigabyte GTX 960 Windforce G1 Gaming 2gb GDDR5 GPU with i5 2500k overclocked at 4.5 GHZ and fortunately when I play CS.GO the average FPS was 80.
CS:GO is an older game and pretty much is a best case scenario for the 2500k, the game doesn't scale across lots of cores so the 2500k's low core and thread count by today's standards doesn't mean much and with an overclock the 2500k's single core performance isn't terrible by today's standards. Newer games that actually scale across more cores and threads do poorly on the 2500k. The 2600k hangs in there better due to hyperthreading and is still a somewhat viable gaming chip on current titles, but even with an overclock it still loses to more modern options.
You should run that card on Pentium 4 pro, trust me, it works, a better cheap air warmer for winter.
Let's get a few facts straight. One, there was never a Pentium 4 Pro--it was either a Pentium Pro or a Pentium 4.You should run that card on Pentium 4 pro, trust me, it works, a better cheap air warmer for winter.
I did very regularly growing up. It was still fun. Newer doesn't necessarily make a game more fun, hence why games like 'candy crush' are still making big bucks.Have you tried playing playing a game in Intel 386 system using Windows 3.1 OS?
No. Bottleneck implies an obstruction to the flow of data, whether that be fps or not. The cpu is the source of data going to the cpu, although with the Ampere models the cpu can be bypassed for some direct renders by the gpu. The cpu will NOT slow the gpu down at all.Your most defiantly going to bottleneck any highend graphics card that is PCIE 3.0 or higher due to the 2500k only capable of PCIE 2.0 16x
Bingo!but you are still not getting the full potential of your graphics card any way you slice it.
With the apparent death of sli and the dismal showings of mgpu capable/optimized games, it's all single cards again for graphics. The 2080ti is hard pressed to saturate pcie2.0 x16 bandwidth and takes a 3090/Titan class card to even come close to saturating the bandwidth of pcie3.0 x16. The only benefits to pcie 4.0 are a slight increase in transmission speeds, not capability.Same we can currently say with Intel's 10th gen line which is only capable of PCIE 3.0 and pairing it with a PCIE 4.0 graphics card.
This sounds like you decided the answer that you wanted, and was the only answer you'd accept, before you asked the question. So, why bother asking?The fact is that you don't need a 6 core or 8 core cpu to play high graphics and high FPS games with a decent GPU like a RTX 2080.