is asus h110m-k compatible with corsair rm 650x 80 + gold ?

It is compatible. Only 2 cables from the PSU are required for the motherboard: 24-pin ATX main power and 4-pin CPU power. Other cables are usually connected to graphics card(s), hard disk drives, optical drives, fans and so on.
it will also depend what else you are putting in the system to make sure it has enough plugs and such for everything as some gpu require there own power but it looks like it should be able to handle about anything. IT is definitely ok with that motherboard if you do need an extra plug you can usually order from asia on ebay or new egg for a couple bucks.

a lot of times with memory the board will still pick it up and run but only run it at the highest speed it can example if it can only run at 1800mhz and you have 2000mhz it will run but only at 1800mhz. This is not ALWAYS true but this is how i have pretty much always seen it go. But i would just get the memory it calls for to be safe as in all honestly you will not notice hardly any difference in the speed of the memory between ddr4 2300 vs 3000 its more important to upgrade the amount. As is in going from 4gb to 8gb will give a much more speed difference then just faster memory.

i think xmp is xtreme memory profile and the way it works is by almost auto tuning the memory to work at different speeds and timings for optimization but i think some boards had some trouble with that. The xmp working with some kind of tubo frequency that some motherboards had cause the cpu to run faster and hotter then needed.

But YEAh XMP is just a profile to get the memory running at its optimum and when it is not on memory might not run quite as fast as it should but i doubt anyone would notice a real difference.

one more it a skylane mobo?
one more it a skylane mobo?

i had to google that i am thinking you ment SKYLAKE? which i found to be the intel code name for the new gen intel cpu's yeah i think it is socket 1151 which is the new one so yeah if that is what you ment you can run the new intels