Is Cyberpower Reliable


Jul 10, 2013
I am finally getting a job, and I am going to try and save up for a pc. Probably about $1600 - $2000. I know I could build one relatively easily, but I was just going to buy one from Cyberpower, since Alienware is overpriced for some older Components. Could anyone tell me if Cyberpower is really reliable? Like how is their customer service? What is going to happen if my Power supply or something fries, and I have no computer. Are they easy with returns? Thanks for any help 😀.
if you have that kind of budget but want to buy one with a warranty, perhaps check out Digital Storm? I see some pretty powerful rigs on their website for reasonable amounts of money. They do some pretty good testing on their builds from what I can see.
if you have that kind of budget but want to buy one with a warranty, perhaps check out Digital Storm? I see some pretty powerful rigs on their website for reasonable amounts of money. They do some pretty good testing on their builds from what I can see.
I got a PC from them and the processor reached over 200 degrees Fahrenheit. I even had to return it at my own cost, so I ended up just asking for a refund and got a cheap PC for $480. I'm going to modify it in the future.
There are a lot of people who do not recommend them. i know my friend received good service but obviously many haven't. it is very mixed opinion although more people will write about bad than good because you are infuriated you will complain but if you're not infuriated you will happily use the computer you have. I was wandering if i should buy from them i so far i have found that it's very difficult to say yes or no but i'd hold off until certain.