Question is everything correct in disk management? I'm getting fps drops and I'm narrowing it down to my SSD, could someone tell me if anything is wrong?

how did you narrowing it down to the ssd?
hello im going to copy and paste a post that i made a while ago that sort of explains what happened:
So recently I was having an issue with my pc and I decided to perform a system restore to solve the issue, however as soon as it had completed I noticed all my (D)disk files had gone, including all my games etc... I thought it was a just a error, so I quickly restarted my pc, and to my surprise it wouldn't boot into windows loading screen, I could only access the windows troubleshoot menu.

I wasn't to worried and decided to just perform another system restore, however it showed "no restore points have been found"

- I was then confused, so I tried running the "Start-up Repair" - and I was prompted with the message "Your device ran into a problem and needs to restart"

And for the next hour I came to realise that all of the help tools weren't working -

So in the end I decided I would have to try and use the tool "Reset this PC" to fix my issue- However it said "There was a problem while resetting your pc"

Now I was really worried - So I spent the next however many hours trying every solution on YouTube just to find none of them working.

When trying to fix this issue, the only thing I could run was CMD (Command Prompt) and in the end I tried so many different solutions in command prompt from google and YouTube, I think I probably caused many more issues within my system because of the amount of different commands I had tried running. (i changed loads of settings with SSD, disk drives, boot drives and more) all to try and get my pc to boot up properly

Well after a couple of days I had managed to reinstall windows using a USB stick, and I thought I had fixed the issue.

I went on to download all the drivers and software I used to have on my pc before my factory reset, and everything looked fine again until...

I went and loaded into my game and noticed I was getting massive frame drops (from average 180fps down to 50fps ish and then back up to 180fps again) around every 15 seconds and also Audio stutters sometimes- however it almost seemed like every time I got a fps drops it would be as though my pc was stuck trying to perform a task, and then you would almost feel it catch up and go back up to the average fps again.

(just to say I have tried every solution to get rid of these fps drops, I have removed as many CPU processes as possible in task manager, I have the lowest settings in my Nvidia control panel as well as the in-game settings, I everything set to maximum performance, and nothing seems to work.


Now just to mention,

Before all of these issues had occurred with my pc, my games had always butter smooth with no frame drops or audio stutters- that's why I know there's a way to fix this issue.


so i have tried every solution and the only thing i haven't tested is my ssd - and back when i was in cmd i change loads of settings to do with my ssd and hard and disk drives - so i think there might be something wrong with one with them - hope this kind of helps
FPS isn't mostly affected by the storage device. Neither is in-game performance. When all the game assets are loaded, the storage device doesn't play any major role in delivering performance.

Disk management itself cant tell much info about the SSD except basic info like how full it is, etc.

If you truly suspect the SSD for sluggish performance in Windows (overall using the PC, except games) then do a disk benchmark/speedtest to check if everything is fine. Use crystaldiskmark. Also worth using a software like crystaldiskinfo for getting more info of the drive.
Download those software, and send screenshots of them.
One after running the speedtest and one after opening crystaldiskinfo.

I'll try to check for possible issues, although as previously mentioned, its probably not the SSD that's causing this, so I don't expect anything out of the ordinary.
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