Is gaming in 2560x1440 that much better?


Mar 6, 2013
So i'm in the process of building a new rig, and I was considering either getting a 144hz 1080 monitor or a 2560x1440 monitor. I'll be using a GTX titan hydro copper, or the gtx 780 when it comes out. Is the increase in resolution that much more immersive and better looking than the standard 1920x1080 counterpart. It does require alot more GPU power, but the better end of GPUs can provide a good 60 fps, which is just what's needed for such a monitor. I was considering getting three monitors, but I doubt that would be very future proof, and would need a minimum of somewhere near 2 titans to get good performance. In conclusion does a 2560x1440 monitor enhance gaming all that much?
After gaming on a 2560x1440 27 Asus monitor I'll nicer I'll never go back its looks so much better and really is worth it and with 4k monitors coming out you will get a 1440p monitor cheap these days
Well, I am sure you know this, but the main benefit of having a higher resolution is the crisper and more detailed vision due to there being a higher amount of pixels. Again, I am sure you can do the math but there is 78% more pixels at that resolution and all those extra pixels really helps to develop a clearer image. The other benefit of these monitors is that they are IPS and have much better color reproduction and viewing angles when compared to TN monitors (though 3d monitors are generally made of higher quality TN panels), and when paired with a bigger resolution and big screen the image quality becomes really nice. Generally, people buy 3d monitors when they want to either a) play in 3d or b) want to use the high frequency to be more competitive in games.

The main question you seem to be asking is whether a 2560 x 1440 monitor "enhances" your gaming. In short no, 120hz monitors (no need to get a 144hz one) will probably allow you to perform slightly better and have a better feel once you get used to them. But it is undoubted that if eye candy and image are what you desire you will have a better experience with higher res monitors. No matter what you choose you'll enjoy your experience, but it comes down to whether you'd prefer a smoother gaming experience, or a better looking one.

Hmm turns out getting a good 1440p monitor costs me even more than getting three 144 hz 1080s. however getting the tri set up may result in buying another you by chance have a hi-res monitor you game with? If so, how does it add to the "experience" or the visuals of the game.

When you game, do you see much of a difference between medium, high, and ultra? and is anit-aliasing even required with such a high resolution?

Well I would advice you to order the 27" korean ones from ebay. They sell for about $300-350 and are almost identical to the ones sold by bigger companies like Apple and Dell (same panel, but MAY have defects). I do not have a 2560 x 1440 monitor, unfortunately (I have 1920 x 1200 monitor), but as I said the extra pixels allows to make a more detailed image. It's like have more ink to use for a drawing; the extra ink allows you to ration better and make a clearer image. As I stated before as well, these monitors look very nice since they are IPS panels. And you also don't need anti-aliasing at these higher resolutions since you have more pixels to make a clearer image, it becomes harder to tell the difference between individual pixels and to see the "jagged" edges caused by aliasing.


Theoretically of course it would result in a higher resolution image, but spiritually I wanted to know if those extra pixels enhanced any other person's gaming experience. Theoretically having a million pixel per inch display will be better than a 80 pixel per inch display, but can people really see much of a difference between them? And even let's say some crazy person can, but does it really make the experience of gaming all that much better. I really appreciate your reply though! :)

Yes... a higher resolution image is what "enhances" your gaming experience. It WILL look better and I assure you, you will notice a difference using these 27" monitors when compared to a 1080p TN monitor (3d or not). Like I said though, would you rather a better looking experience or a more fluid one? "Experience" is a pretty subjective word. Some people will take 120hz monitor as a greater experience while others prefer the high res one. My advice to you is to go find a store somewhere and see both in action, even better if you can try gaming on one before your purchase.


There is a difference between high and ultra but its not a wow this game looks terrible below ultra or anything (I have not had to drop to medium in anything yet), as for AA I went from 22" 1080 to 27" 1440 so the pixels are a similar size so AA is needed the same. I have a $300 cheap Korean Yamakasi monitor and the only downside is the screen is very reflective, there are no visible dead pixels or other issues.
After gaming on a 2560x1440 27 Asus monitor I'll nicer I'll never go back its looks so much better and really is worth it and with 4k monitors coming out you will get a 1440p monitor cheap these days

Well i just recently got a GTX970 and decided to get a korean monitor (Qnix) like some have stated here they go for about $300-350 , well I got lucky someone in my area was selling one on craiglist for $200 because it has 1 stuck pixel, it saved me $200 easily cause I would have paid customs too. Long story short I overclocked it to 96hz (didn't want to push to 110-120hz, might try later though) and I loaded battlefield at 2560x1440p on high settings settings and omg I can see a big difference!.

Now what about the game avg in fps and how fluid it is? well my old 24' 1900x1200 monitor was capped at 60hz, I
did several systems tests on different servers from empty to full 64 players ones and i'm averaging between 78-89fps! so it's more fluid to me even with higher resolution , so unless you have a g-sync or 120-144hz monitor then a Qnix is a better choice since they can be overclocked and have higher resolution. (be warned though , monitor build feels cheap and might have 1-3 dead pixels)

summary ? I can't believe the value that both the GTX970 and Qnix monitor have , each one costs $330 for 2k gaming today at a solid 70-90+hz . And by the way I'm using an i5-3570k that i bought 2 years ago.