Is GeForce Experience's game optimization trusted and efficient? Need Help!


Jan 20, 2014
I ran Metro last light on GeForce Experience's Optimized option, so i expected it would run the game at least on 60 fps, but it didn't! and fps drops sometimes to 30 fps!! my GPU temp was almost always around 83-84 degrees! GPU usage sometimes goes on 96%! or above!
what surprises me is, that program says SSAA should be on 3X! and other stuffs ultimate.
I run this game on such a low resolution, 1600*900 for some reasons which doesn't matter right now, so what's the problem? i shouldn't use that optimization again on any game? Or something is wrong with my system? if there is anyone out there who has a system like me, and has played metro, On which video setting did you played for getting stable fps on 60?

CPU: core i7, 4770k, 3.5GHz and Cooler Silver Arrow SBE Extreme
Graphic card: Asus GTX 780 Ti
Motherboard: Asus Z87 Deluxe
Memory : 2*4 GB Vengeance DDR3,2133
resolution: 1600*900
Case: Green X6 challenger

I did run the Metro: Last Light's benchmark on this system, here's the results:

Options: Resolution: 1600 x 900; DirectX: DirectX 11; Quality: Very High; Texture filtering: AF 16X; Advanced PhysX: Enabled; Tesselation: Very High; Motion Blur: Normal; SSAA: ON;

Total Frames: 7746, Total Time: 170.9646 sec
Average Framerate: 45.34
Max. Framerate: 97.89 (Frame: 2400)
Min. Framerate: 10.39 (Frame: 4719)
still on safe range. if you don't like the temps you can manually set the fan curve using third party software (like MSI After Burner) instead let the driver automatically control the fan speed. GFE only target frame rates. things such as temperature is monitored by driver. i think to ensure gpu boost operated at peak speed you need to make sure the temps below 84c if i'm not mistaken. but temperature wise it is still safe. maximum temp for 780 Ti is 95c. so start worry if the temp start reaching 90c


I find the Geforce experience recommendations to be very wrong in most of my games. It recommends turning up ground clutter in WoW to the highest, and I prefer it on lowest as it is one of the big impactors on my performance. I decided to just leave it off.

I your case, there are two possible points where the performance could be enhanced: tesselation and PhysX. I'd turn those down a notch if your current performance is not good enough.


Jan 20, 2014
renz496, Is it OK to play on 83-84 degrees? GFE did not target 60, i can live with that. does GFE target the GPU safety at least? i mean can i play on that degrees safely?
still on safe range. if you don't like the temps you can manually set the fan curve using third party software (like MSI After Burner) instead let the driver automatically control the fan speed. GFE only target frame rates. things such as temperature is monitored by driver. i think to ensure gpu boost operated at peak speed you need to make sure the temps below 84c if i'm not mistaken. but temperature wise it is still safe. maximum temp for 780 Ti is 95c. so start worry if the temp start reaching 90c
This thread is more than a year old....and GFE has improve on many things since then. I think they also have some kind of frame rate target for the optimization right now. Personally while i did not use game auto optimization on every game but sometimes it does help with performance. For example with AC Unity. No matter what setting i'd use the game will sutter even on lowe setting. But once i let GFE handles the setting voila the sutter was gone....mostly.


Feb 24, 2011
I think they have a target of 40 fps on the default setting. You can of course adjust your target with a fairly unlcear slider. One end is quality and one is more fps with no explanation of what each notch represents.
I found it does an OK job for single GPU but doesn't take SLI into account. I actually didn't mind setting it up because it would try and set up for roughly 40 fps but because of SLI I would usually run at 60 fps.