Is getting a psu included with a case reliable? and if so which one is recomended? cheapest as possible please

+1 will be the cheapest stuff they can get their hands on.
+1 awful idea.

Suggest you read reviews at newegg on cheap case plus PSU, the reviews are full of DOAs + early life fails and they are only the hard fails. A cheap PSU can cause intermittent glitches that you will blame on windows software or buggy games but are actually fails in delivering clean power to the CPU, memory etc.
Depends on the manufacturer I guess, but often bundled stuff like that will be the cheapest stuff they can get their hands on. I'd look into the specifics of it, the power supply is pretty important.
+1 will be the cheapest stuff they can get their hands on.
+1 awful idea.

Suggest you read reviews at newegg on cheap case plus PSU, the reviews are full of DOAs + early life fails and they are only the hard fails. A cheap PSU can cause intermittent glitches that you will blame on windows software or buggy games but are actually fails in delivering clean power to the CPU, memory etc.

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