Is GPU UPGRADE worth it

Watchdogs was poorly coded and uses a lot of Vram. Crysis 3 is unplayable at 1080p on ultra even with a HD7970/R9 280x.

1440x900 is less demanding than the resolution I mentioned. And the 760 can easily play games @ 1080p with lowered detail settings. If you are experiencing Issues you can lower the Graphics setting. If this does not help then look at a CPU or ram bottleneck issue.
Watchdogs was poorly coded and uses a lot of Vram. Crysis 3 is unplayable at 1080p on ultra even with a HD7970/R9 280x.

1440x900 is less demanding than the resolution I mentioned. And the 760 can easily play games @ 1080p with lowered detail settings. If you are experiencing Issues you can lower the Graphics setting. If this does not help then look at a CPU or ram bottleneck issue.