Is GT 730 compatible with my motherboard


Mar 8, 2016
I connected the card to my motherboard but the monitors don't seem to turn on.

Motherboard:GA-H81M-DS2 (rev. 2.1)
Previous gpu : geforce gtx275
Monitors: samsung S22B150(vga) and S22C300(dvi)
Go to BIOS And Set Primary Display Adapter to PCIe . if doesn't work , try Using only 1 Display to see if it works , If it doesn't , Try using the integrated port and remove the 730 to see if the mobo works properly

Is there any reason monitors would not come online? When i install the GPU on my motherboard no matter when where i plug in the monitors (onboard gpu or the graphich card) they don't turn on. They stay black, Though it seems like computer is running okay in the backgroud.

Go to BIOS And Set Primary Display Adapter to PCIe . if doesn't work , try Using only 1 Display to see if it works , If it doesn't , Try using the integrated port and remove the 730 to see if the mobo works properly

yes that worked i had to go into bios and select pcie version 2