Is gtx 1050ti compatible with my pc?

probably, though occasionally there are UEFI/Legacy vBIOS issues. No way to know without trying though and that's probably RARE but I don't see modern GPU's on systems this old very often.

*Do note you'll have a severe CPU bottleneck in most or all games.

That does NOT mean a game won't work well, though make sure you meet the MINIMUM specs for a game. It means your FPS will be lower than what it could be with the same GPU and better CPU.

The FX-4300 is about 50% faster and it can be 40% or so slower in some games compared to an i5-6600K and same GPU.

**You will STILL have a useful gaming PC, it just means you'll have to choose games carefully. Some new ones can be fine, and some like HALF LIKE 2 are older, but still fun and probably work great on that combo.

I agree.
The GTX1050 is 2GB but costs $30-$40 less I think (roughly $100+ for GTX1050 and $140USD for GTX1050Ti).

However, the system might only handle 4GB total. Mine was 4x1GB max.

But yeah, I'm not sure if any games could benefit beyond the GTX1050 due to the CPU bottleneck. Probably a few but it's hard to say.

$110 GTX1050 2GB:

$140 GTX1050Ti 4GB:

I guess $30 isn't much different though and it should keep its resell value more (due to 4GB of VRAM) though I doubt that's a factor.

*One thing I've always wondered is if extra VRAM ever helps if system memory is slightly low. Can some game engines detect low system memory and swap stuff into video memory? Not sure I've ever seen that discussed (more VRAM however can't hurt anything all other things being equal).
ok thanks, do you think its worth Upgading yet cause since i got ddr2 i cant find more ram for that and i got 2 ddr2 slots and its hard to find ram for that so is it not worth it
If you can find a cheap(used) 1x4GB DDR2 stick yeah it would be worth it. I wouldn't spend a lot on it. I would be saving for a platform upgrade. It wouldn't take THAT much

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core Processor ($109.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus H110M-A/M.2 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($53.89 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($50.88 @ OutletPC)
Total: $214.76
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-01-10 01:39 EST-0500