Is GTX 960 still worth it?

Hi everyone.
So, my plan was to buy RX 470 which AMD said would be released with a price of lowest 149 dollars, I was really excited and was ready to buy it and it turns out it came out for 180 dollars, which is not really any far from RX 480's price. I decided, fuck it, I currently have 155 dollars (16000 pkr) saved and want to know if I should go with the GTX 960 Superclocked, I found a good deal on it and wanted to buy it. Is it worth it or is there something else I could get?
looking at how much better the 470 performed over the 960. i'd not buy one now. obviously prices will be different where you are but i'd say it's worth the wait to see what other 470 cards come out and how they are priced. the asus card seems like a poorly designed overpriced option. give it a few for other cards and i'm willing to bet a better deal will come along. the 960 just seems like a bad buy unless it gets below $100. even at $180, the 470 is a good deal. closer to $200 and the 4gb 480 is the way to go.
looking at how much better the 470 performed over the 960. i'd not buy one now. obviously prices will be different where you are but i'd say it's worth the wait to see what other 470 cards come out and how they are priced. the asus card seems like a poorly designed overpriced option. give it a few for other cards and i'm willing to bet a better deal will come along. the 960 just seems like a bad buy unless it gets below $100. even at $180, the 470 is a good deal. closer to $200 and the 4gb 480 is the way to go.
An R9 380 or a 380X would be a better option if you can get it with your budget, they're both faster than the GTX 960.

I would honestly save up that little bit extra and go for an RX 470 though, it's 29% faster on average than the GTX 960 @ 1080p and 24% faster on average than the R9 380 @ 1080p.