is i7 7700 going to work with the gtx 1080ti with any bottlenecking?


Aug 3, 2017
I'm in the market for a new cpu cause I just bought a gtx 1080 ti and I don't want to overclock so I stopped considering i7 7700k and then I would also have to buy a new mobo with it so I was wondering if i7 7700 would do the job? and would the stock cooler be enough? I'm upgrading from 15 7500 but if you recommend any other CPU with 1151 socket I would appreciate it.

Your MSI H110M GAMING already supports the i7-6700K and i7-7700K and their non-K variants. It just doesn't support multiplier overclocking of the unlocked K processors but you said you're not planning on overclocking the CPU anyway.
The i7 7700 is very close to the 7700k which is the best gaming CPU money can buy, it's a great fit for the GTX 1080 ti. The stock cooler won't be harmful, but it could potentially be more noisy than you'd like.

atm 1080p 144hz but will upgrade to 1440p 144hz in the next month or so
what about the i5 6700k? does it need a specific or a compatible mobo like the i7 7700k? I have a h110m Msi gaming mobo but if I don't need to upgrade I could consider the i5 6700k and oc it if it would work well with the 1080 ti and if there isn't a big difference between it and the i7 7700 non k

Your h110m is not for overclocking, that is the Z170 or Z270 so forget overclocking unless you change motherboard. You can use the following i7's 6700/6700k/7700/7700k and even though you cannot overclock the k CPU's they come as standard with higher clocks than the non k versions.

As you want high fps for your high Hz monitor I would get the best CPU you can which is the 7700k, it should only cost a little more than the 7700.

Your MSI H110M GAMING already supports the i7-6700K and i7-7700K and their non-K variants. It just doesn't support multiplier overclocking of the unlocked K processors but you said you're not planning on overclocking the CPU anyway.

Short answer is no

The OP is already using a i5-7500 Kaby Lake processor on that motherboard.