Is i7700 bottlenecking a rtx2070 at 1440p

Dec 3, 2018
So i was playing bfv and was getting stuttering issues and i checked the cpu usage and its constantly at 100%,was getting high fps bit the stuttering was really annoying.That would explain the high tempertaure i have in the cpu while gaming

Limit the maximum FPS would be the best option, I'm sure you are getting over 100FPS even with the CPU bottleneck, So limiting at a value that your system can always get will minimise the stutter and the CPU from working so hard. The game should have a FPS limit option int he settings somewhere, at least Battlefield One did. If not you can do with with MSI Afterburner with RivaTuner, more for advanced users.

You can enable Vsync, Tho this option can add input lag, meaning your mouse may feel slightly off, its not the most optimal setting but can get rid of the stutter problems...
For that game, yes a stock 7700 will hold a 2070 back, and at 100% can cause stutter.

If you are getting real high fps, you can limit the fps to say 60, and the stutter should go away, if you constantly get over 100fps limit it to 100 and it should smooth the game out.

Limit the maximum FPS would be the best option, I'm sure you are getting over 100FPS even with the CPU bottleneck, So limiting at a value that your system can always get will minimise the stutter and the CPU from working so hard. The game should have a FPS limit option int he settings somewhere, at least Battlefield One did. If not you can do with with MSI Afterburner with RivaTuner, more for advanced users.

You can enable Vsync, Tho this option can add input lag, meaning your mouse may feel slightly off, its not the most optimal setting but can get rid of the stutter problems

Increasing Resolution scale to put more load on the GPU can also smooth things out, but it will put more load on the GPU and maybe let the CPU have some breathing room, Tho this isn't always a guarantee fix.The game should have an option named Resolution scale, increase it above 100, I'd try 150 and see how it feels. Nvidia also has an option in the Nvidia Control Panel named DSR (Dynamic Super Resolution) You can enable it and check all the boxes and then start the game up and it should give you more Resolution options higher then your native.