is ibuypower window 10 reinsalation cd a real windows 10 instalation cd


Feb 9, 2018
I recently bought a ibuypower pc in November or December and I upgraded my motherboard and used the installation disk that came with my ibuypower pc and windows was nice enough to activate it for me but now I think I have a fake version of windows 10 because I cant uninstall or reinstall NVidia drivers on my motherboard. I'm a Microsoft customer I bought every os they came out with I still have my full version of windows 7 64bit and 32bit. I'm just worried about this ibuypower should not be giving bogus reinstall disk. what do you think I should do ?
how could you live like that ? that means windows 10 is broken. I'm trying to install the latest driver and it was installed I messed around and uninstalled it and now I cant reinstall it that sucks that's like windows 10 wants to much control over our computers