So, I am planning out my fist gaming pc build. I am very new to this, so if I ask any stupid questions, I apologize. Anyway, my friend got 2 free water cooled gpus and wants to give me one as a gift. This is the one she wants to give me;
My questions are, would this be difficult to install? Would I need any other materials to make this work or does everything I need come with the card? I'd love to use this card but I don't want to mess anything up since I'm so new to all this
Thank you, any help you can give me is appreciated!
My questions are, would this be difficult to install? Would I need any other materials to make this work or does everything I need come with the card? I'd love to use this card but I don't want to mess anything up since I'm so new to all this
Thank you, any help you can give me is appreciated!