Is Intel Core i5 4670T good for gaming?


Dec 13, 2016
i have g3220 and GTX 750 ti
yesterday I went to the pc shop and i found the i5 4670T used at 100$
so the question is buy or not buy?
is a good upgrade?
I check on cpu passmark and looks like that the single thread rating is not so different,
also the 4670T is a quad core and can handle GTA V and other game that require 4 cores but
cant find any frame testing rating on youtube.
btw sorry for my english...
It's obviously better than that G3220, unless you OC the latter, then it's single thread performance will be really good.

But that quad core is on the lower end. Might work fine in MOST games, but CPU demanding games mostly want around 3.3GHz to 3.6GHz on all cores (so NOT BOOST, the unboosted level) to run higher settings.

Obviously this heavily depends on the game you're playing, and for most games that 4670T will be fine, but you'd be better of with at least 3.3GHz (non boost) out of the box or OC an i5 to that (so a K version).

So, it depends, but is definately on the low end for new triple A games.
Medium high setting is ok for me,I think the GTX 750 ti cant go so far
I m asking this question because when I was playing Doom 4 on ultra 720p the Cpu usage was around 100% and GPU around 50%(35- 40FPS average) so maybe if I buy this T version quad core ( they are selling cheap here in Japan) i can get a better performance...the K version is still expansive,I can buy an I3 more cheap like 70$ used but is still a dual core.
for example the Intel Core i3-4360 @ 3.70GHz.
It really depends on the game. Some games just use way more CPU than others. If you can hold out and save some more money, go for a K and overclock or go for something like the i5 4590, you really want around 3.3 / 3.5GHz.