Is Intel i5 4430 compatible with Gigabyte H87M-D3H Motherboard and Asus AMD/ATI Radeon HD 6450 1 GB DDR3 Graphics Card?!

The Compass Gamer

Mar 15, 2014
Hey guys, can you tell me is Intel i5 compatible with Gigabyte H87M-D3H Motherboard and Asus AMD/ATI Radeon HD 6450 1 GB DDR3 Graphics Card? Well I'm gonna assemble a new PC, and i think I'll get a PSU with more than 400 Watts power supply. So will it run fine? And also i would like to play a lot of games on it, cause I'm a gamer, and also can you tell me how much internal graphics is there in the MoBo I mentioned above?
-The Compass Gamer
radeon hd 6450 is not a gamer gpu. it used to be for htpc (watching hd movies) before the apus came out. i think the core i5 4430's integrated hd4600 might be faster than the 6450.

the core i5 will fit h87 motherboard. here's the cpu support list:

the motherboard does not have any graphics processor, it only has output ports. the processor, core i5 4430, has the the gpu in it, called hd 4600 igpu.

for psu, get a quality power supply like antec neo eco or seasonic s12ii. don't cheap out on power supply if you want to build a gaming pc.

radeon hd 6450 is not a gamer gpu. it used to be for htpc (watching hd movies) before the apus came out. i think the core i5 4430's integrated hd4600 might be faster than the 6450.

the core i5 will fit h87 motherboard. here's the cpu support list:

the motherboard does not have any graphics processor, it only has output ports. the processor, core i5 4430, has the the gpu in it, called hd 4600 igpu.

for psu, get a quality power supply like antec neo eco or seasonic s12ii. don't cheap out on power supply if you want to build a gaming pc.

Yes but it has to be a haswell Intel i5. The GPU you have in mind will be really weak for modern games. This is the lowest gpu I would recommend for pc gaming The motherboard doesn't have internal graphics that is now on the cpu itself and will vary depending on the cpu you choose. Happy building.
the cpu will work fine with mobo and the gpu will work fine with the mobo too. the psu really depends on the 12v rail it has on it. the 6450 power draw is extremely low though peak on a stock card is 28w
your total system draw should be lower than 200w. i would still go with a 400w psu but you can find good reliable 550w psu for 50 dollars as well
way more power than you need but aot of the 300-400w psu are cheaply made and unreliable and the ones that are reliable are either this price or 10 dollars cheaper. this would also leave room for upgrades in the future
Well im thinking of changing the GPU and ....umm...Any good GPU s in the same range for gaming. And well for the mobo i sa2 that it does have intergrated graphics....well wait....I m a noob and tell me is intergrated graphics in the cpu or the mobo?
-The Compass Gamer

what range? what is your gfx card budget? cards like radeon hd 7770, r7 250x, r7 260x are goig prtty cheap right now. i already suggested psus.
like i said before, the motherboard doesn't have integrated gfx. the igpu is inside the core i5, the motherboard has display outputs.
Well my budget is around 4000 INR , that is indian rupees. Well I dont know how much dollar or euro or whatever that one sums upto..
Thanks for bearing my shit all along,
- The Compass Gamer
That GTX 750 Ti is waaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaayyy too costly for me cause that is around 10, 000 INR.

unfortunately, that's nowhere near the amount that will get you a gamer gfx card. all the gfx card i saw (gt610,620, hd6450, 5450 etc.) on flipkart will have weaker gfx performance than the hd4600 igpu.
imo the lowest for gaming gfx card starts from sapphire 7770 from near 8k inr. you can find 7750, r7 250 at lower cost, but the ones i saw had g/ddr3 vram which bottleneck the gpu.
save up money so that you can buy a stronger card later.
Well to narrow down your search I have sel2cted some in budget Graphics card for myself and all of them are of the Radeon HD series-
5450 1gb/2gb
6450 2 gb
5570 1 gb
6570 1 gb/2gb
6670 2gb
And eagerly waiting for your answers
-The Compass Gamer
Hey man, you use flipkart? You indian? And anyways il try to save up some money, and will my intergrated graphics be fine for gaming? And i think ill get a gfx card aftet sometime, so is it I mean will games work fine using my intergrated gfx?

if you use a discreet gfx card, and if your motherboard has gpu-auto switching enabled in the bios, then the discreet card will act as the primary gfx card when you connect the display to the dgfx card. intel doesn't have any tech like hybrid crossfire igpu and dgpu.

the problem with those cards is that amd is replacing them with new r7 series cards and newer, more powerful cards like r7 250(the cheapest one i saw) is barely higher priced than a 6570 on flipkart. that makes those cards of lower performance for their prices. this card
selling for 7790 inr gets you much more gaming performance than those above. to show how messed up the pricing is, this 7750 cost more
but delivers sizably less performance. there was a cheaper 7750, but it had dd3 for video memory which will bottleneck performance.

i used flipkart only as a reference. you might find better deals in your local shop, so do look around. igpu, especially from intel is never fine for gaming. since your gfx card budget isn't getting you good perf for money, imo, saving up is a better idea. as for game support, it's driver-dependent as well, and intel's driver support needs a Lot of improvement. experienced vendors like amd and nvidia are much, much better.

you always have an option to buy a cheaper cpu and use the leftover money to add to gfx card budget. it depends on your preference and requirements.
Hey does a cheaper cpu means low performance? And another option for the cpu is AMD fx6300 that way ill abe able to save more money for the gfx card but then ill have to again replace the mobo and all.
-The Compass Gamer

not always. it depends on whatever work you do with your pc.

replace the mobo? did you buy parts already?