Is is worth changing from 7 to 8?


Feb 8, 2014
Hello everyone, I wanna ask what is better between windows 7 and windows 8 for my system.
I wanna know what benefits I have if i will decide to install windows 8. Or if it worth to change from 7 to 8.
Thank you for your answer.

CPU: AMD FX 8320 8core 3.5Ghz (Clocked in 4.2Ghz)
MB: AsRock Fatal1ty 990FX Killer
RAM: 16GB 1333 Mhz
GPU: ATI Radeon R9 280X
HDD: WD Caviar Black 500 GB + SSD Samsung 250GB
Cooler: CORSAIR Hydro H60
Power Supply: Corsair CX60

Sorry for my english

I have 1 desktop core 2 8400 duo, 8gig ram,260gtx, 2x 1tb g hdd
a hasswell one I7 4790K,16 gig ram and a 750ti,2X 2 TB hdd
a amd one f AMD FX-8370 with 8 gig ram and R9 270
and a hp core 2 (p8400 )duo laptop with 4 gig ram 9600mgt 512 gig hdd

What i do with my Computers:
I work as a full time java-c#-dot net programmer ,i do some gaming and lots lots of multitasking.
Chrome is always open with 40 tabs at least,mix of youtube,flash,forums etc, i always have Netbeans and Visual Studio running-compiling.I ran virtual...
I have windows 7 right now, I am not willing to build a new PC, i just wonder if I will get any improvements if i upgrade to windows 8. I guess I will be able to get in touch with Windows 8.

Sorry for my english

I have 1 desktop core 2 8400 duo, 8gig ram,260gtx, 2x 1tb g hdd
a hasswell one I7 4790K,16 gig ram and a 750ti,2X 2 TB hdd
a amd one f AMD FX-8370 with 8 gig ram and R9 270
and a hp core 2 (p8400 )duo laptop with 4 gig ram 9600mgt 512 gig hdd

What i do with my Computers:
I work as a full time java-c#-dot net programmer ,i do some gaming and lots lots of multitasking.
Chrome is always open with 40 tabs at least,mix of youtube,flash,forums etc, i always have Netbeans and Visual Studio running-compiling.I ran virtual box for linux mint ,fedora.In my spare time i write scripts,changing roms etc for my Android devices and making some mods for my Skyrim.
I tried to switch to windows 8.1 numerous times in all my machines.
I currently have it only on my laptop and amd one for the newest Visual Studio .
My experience:
I do not mind the ui as it can be easily changed with classic shell etc.
The ui in windows 8.1 feels more snappy but it seems to me that is has better caching.
It has some good features out of the box like pdf viewer, iso mounter etc but i never used them as they lack lots of feautres from the ones you can download for free..
Compiling is a bit faster in windows 8.1 than in windows 7 .I will say a 5 percent .
Thats the good side.
Windows 8.1 gets really sluggish some times, The 100% hard disk issue never really seems to go away even though i tried numerous tweaks,paging file , updated drivers etc.(Why should i tweak it at the first place. windows 7 work just perfect without any service or tweak )
For browsing i use chrome , chromium with lots lots of tabs,Windows 8.1 just can not handle it at all.I have crashes, sluggish rendering of images, the websites sometime do not render completely ,switch tabs is laggy sometimes etc.
Windows 7 is the winner here by far.

When torrenting windows 8.1 gets laggy in other applications especially in disk intensive io ones.
Tweaks in Windows 8.1 (superfetch, windows search) and in utorrent for disk cache etc have lessen the problem but is it still there.Again windows 7 works as it is supposed to.

Also in windows 8.1 I had occasional crashes in Netbeans , unresponsive explorer etc.Some issues with Sql databases and xaamp also that they are related to windows 8.1.
I experienced problems with adb shell, drivers , tools for flashing new firmwares in android devices etc in windows 8.1.
I rarely shutdown my pcs but in the case of windows 8 i needed to do it sometimes as i saw some perfomance degradation without in.In windows 7 case they have not been shutdown for a month...
In my case virtual box does not want to run on windows 8.1 as it it supposed to be.
I had crashes,bad perfomance etc.Windows 7 runs virtual box perfectly.

In gaming side, i just finished far cry 4,Ryse and i play the latest Assasins Creed title right now
I find that windows 8.1 gaming with amd at smoother(except in far cry 4 due to bad optimization for amd cards)
with the latest 2014 games but surely it is the opposite with older games like Skyrim,Hitman absolution etc.
But keep in mind that just having some 5 percent better fps in games in windows 8.1 does not mean it is always the reason to switch.
For example what happens if you want to make some mods, use some tools,get a good trainer if you get bored to work or whatever.
You will have some issues in windows 8.1.
Well thats my experience .I do no own an ssd.I have the latest updates installed always in all my machines.
Windows 7 is getting near its end of mainstream support.Microsoft had a long time to fix Windows 8.1 and companies should have by now fixed all the issues of their software but the problems are still here.There are many reviews but all are about the ui and some synthetic benchmarks.Well what about stability,what about compability, what about the users that do more stuff than writing a document, play a game and some lite browsing? Windows 7 is still better and i believe this ui snappy thing will be the same in Windows 7 as Windows 8.1 with an ssd.I would wait for windows 10 to make the switch.
@ Gatoskilo

Most of the issues you seem to have with 8/8.1, I have not seen at all.

"Windows 8.1 gets really sluggish some times, The 100% hard disk issue never really seems to go away even though i tried numerous tweaks,paging file , updated drivers etc."


"In my case virtual box does not want to run on windows 8.1 as it it supposed to be.
I had crashes,bad perfomance etc.Windows 7 runs virtual box perfectly."

I have VirtualBox running right now, with LinuxMint and Server2012 VM's running. I've never had the VirtualBox client crash, or any of the VMs'.

"In windows 7 case they have not been shutdown for a month..."

Same with my 8.1 and 8.1 Pro boxes.