Is it a good time to buy R9 290 NOW ?


Jun 12, 2012
I'm playing on 1920x1080,mostly FPS,TPS

i5 3570k ( OC-ed 4.4)
8gb RAM
700W OCZ Modular

So I know everything about 290 vs 970 bla bla bla

Question is: Is it a good time to buy NOW R9 290 for about 250$ ? (Newegg have now Tri-X for 240 with bonus code and rebate)

I mean can we predict something like 200$ in nearest future ? Is 3xx worth waiting if I want to buy something for about 250-300$?

Thanks in advance


Yes it will be good to get the 290 now, one because it can support the latest version of DX, is incredibly powerful and will last you along time. Then when it's starting to get you only high settings to medium you can upgrade to the newer future cards.
Based upon Techpowerup's game suite ....At 1080p "outta the box"

980 = 7% > 780 Ti
780 Ti = 5% > 970
970 = 7% > 290x
290x 4% > 290 / 780

With both overclocked "bawlz to the wall"

980 > 780 Ti > 970 > 780 > 290x > 290

Given the above, taking all factors into account, I'd like to see the 290/290x a few $ cheaper

MSI 970 is $320 and comes with $60 Witcher 3 .... so if ya gonna get that game... your looking at $260. The MSI 290 is $250 / the Sapphire is $240 .... Considering that I need a 100 watt bigger PSU and an extra case fan for the 290...I think I'd need more than a $10-$20 cost difference to be swayed. Of course, once the Witcher 3 offer ends, it's whole 'nother question (as is true at other resolutions) .... but I expect it won't be long after that the the 390x / 980 Ti release reshuffles everything.

I have an inkling that we will be quite shocked (favorably so) at the price of the 390 / 390x.

It's from "marketplace history" .... it's what always happens when "new stuff" comes out, demand for "old stuff" softens as everyone (but the bargain hunters) wants the latest and greatest. And to qualify as a "bargain", it has to involve a price cut.

But more specifically, and to quote Yogi .... "It's Deja Vu all over again". It comes down to 3 reasons:

1. If you were following computers back when the 780 Ti was released, the 780's "announced" price reduction was $150 and the 770's was $50.

Shortly thereafter the 780s price break grew to near $200. That pushed down everything else like dominoes. No different than when the new car model comes out, ..... the cost of last year's models still on the lot take a cliff dive. The 290x was $729 at release date, today it's less than half that.

The 970 came at out $349 and routinely sells between $319 and $329. The 770 was $399 .... $50 **more** on release date than the 970. That's was a reversal of previous trends..... can AMD afford not to respond accordingly ?

2. In just the 6 months since it's release, more 970s are hitting steam servers than **all** fourteen R7 (6) and R9 (8) cards combined. So despite 12 months extra to gain market share, there's less of the 14 cards out there than just the 970. That's pretty amazing when considering that's all cards $65 and up.

I don't see AMD just seeing this as "just another new generation". They will wanna make a splash and improve upon those numbers and we should all be rooting for them to do so.

3. The Financials .... need good news to turn things around. A big hit will be a needed shot in the arm.{%22range%22%3A%221y%22%2C%22scale%22%3A%22linear%22}