Is it bad touse voltage tuner?


Jun 6, 2009
EVGA won't let me download their voltage tuner because I have a gtx 260 based on 55nm tech, not 60 and above and I tried the rivatuner one but it didn't work. I found the evga one on techpowerup, but do you think it will do anything bad if I use it. I ssume there is a reason evga wouldn't let me download it, but what are your thoughts.

Just to be clear, I'm not concerned with the 'dangers' of overclocking, but if there will be some kind of software disagreement with my gpus or license breach.
Well of coarse. If I can get more performance out of my cards for free, I'd love to. It's one of the reasons I would switch to ATI cards. I got from a core clock of 576 to 725 without more volktage and I'm only opperating at 60 degrees. I have lots of headroom. But anyways, is it ok for me to use it?
Idk bout the 260, but i know with the 4890 i can go up from 1.3 to around 1.4-1.45
if the temps stay resonable ofc

SO id say do your thing just dont overvolt it obviously