Is it because of the temperature?


Mar 15, 2014
My PC is often shutting down while I'm playing Path of Exile, I play league of legends too but it doesn't shut down while I'm playing that.
Here, this is the temperature, Normal temperature:
It doesn't really changes while I'm playing, I just bough a new hard drive and everything seems to be working fine to me, but when I play path of exile my PC suddenly shuts down witouth warning or anything, Screen just turns black and I have to press the power button again, Room temperature is like 23c right now and My notebook isn't close to a table or anything, And my PC doesn't seems to be overheating or anything likey, I put my hands on it's back and it's not warm.
So Anyone could please help me? I'm not a real pc nerdie but i can give you all the info you need.
Thanks in advance and forgive my English, I'm not from USA.
EDIT 1: this is the temperature while playing.
Your cpu temp. is way too much.Maximum safe temp.for core i3 is about 69°C.
It is indeed because of high temp.that your pc is shutting down