is it better to get PS4 VR or something for the Pc ?!

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Sep 28, 2017
i live in a small suite ? i don't know the proper word , but i don't have much room in my only 1 room but more room in my living room , and of course the price difference is considerable (between a vive and a ps vr) so what do you say ?!?!? help , i'm specially looking forward to the upcoming doom VFR which is both on ps and pc
I prefer the Oculus, not just because of the price but I prefer the Touch controllers as well since they feel much better (IMO) over the Vive wands. I've tried both VR systems and just prefer the Oculus but either is a good choice. Also for room scale I did have to buy a 3rd sensor for Oculus but others have achieved it by placing each sensor in the opposite corner. And play area is important as I had to adjust quite a bit of furniture to get a 8'x9' play area but it was well worth it for quick movements and had to remove my ceiling fan as my hand would accidentally hit it when I played Robo Recall.

Well price / performance wise a PS4 Pro + PSVR would be way cheaper than anything on the PC.

The Vive is nice (and can do room scale), but it requires serious hardware and doesn't sound like you'll have the space to get best out of it...

why you say so ? i checked vive's hardware specs and the only thing i lack is an i7 , i have an i5 . ..

other than that i got usb 3.1 , usb type c .. a 1080 card , a z270 mobo and what not lol

price is one thing the other thing is my pc room doesn't have much room and my ps4 is in my living room thanks

Hi, well if you already have an i5 + 1080- then that is a different question (you didn't mention your pc specs in op).

Those components are much faster than a PS4 (and even the PRO) so may as well look at a PC headset. I was just thinking of total investment cost (if buying everything).

As for space requirements, I think you can use the vive without the room scale stuff (in which case it just functions with head tracking and as a viewer with a controller)- which is the best option if you have little space to play with. I've only had a play with an occulus though so I'm not really sure where the Vive is concerned.
I like my Oculus Rift and would recommend it to anyone.
The Oculus Rift actually DOES support room scale VR. (I stand up, jump, dive, dodge, weave and pickup stuff off the ground.)
Claims that it doesn't is a common misconception from many that don't have one.

I've used both (Rift and Vive) and honestly they are VERY similar.
I like the rift's head strap and controllers more though.

I've never actually tried the PSVR but I've heard that despite the lower resolution it doesn't look worse than the other two due to some really good optical lenses they use.

For the new DOOM VFR it has to be either Vive or PSVR (it's not down to come out on the Rift yet due to some legal shenanigans apparently).

This is my PC room

which i also use as a sleeping room


this be my living room , which has much more living room


of course the only other thing i have is a kitchen and a bathroom ,

so the question is not only ps4 stuff will last longer but it also seems like Vive's successors is coming out soon ?!

so you say an oculus is better buying considering the price difference ? please don't be trolling my rear
I prefer the Oculus, not just because of the price but I prefer the Touch controllers as well since they feel much better (IMO) over the Vive wands. I've tried both VR systems and just prefer the Oculus but either is a good choice. Also for room scale I did have to buy a 3rd sensor for Oculus but others have achieved it by placing each sensor in the opposite corner. And play area is important as I had to adjust quite a bit of furniture to get a 8'x9' play area but it was well worth it for quick movements and had to remove my ceiling fan as my hand would accidentally hit it when I played Robo Recall.

Never found a steam VR game that won't play on my Oculus.
And I've heard that you can play all of the Rift games on the Vive.
So... they are kind of compatible with each other's games.

I love that game!
The BEST VR game I've ever played.
If you can wait until tomorrow evening (around 9pm/currently 1130am here) I'll be more then happy to let everyone know how it worked out. There's another thread asking about the Oculus with Doom that I need to respond to as well and I would figure if it works with Doom it should work with Skyrim which is pretty much the main reason for me getting VR :) .

@dark_lord69, I would recommend From Other Suns as well since it's a lot of fun to play in Coop.

Please come back after tomorrow as I would buy Doom if it works for you!
So I was able to try it tonight and nope, as of right now it doesn't work. It goes through the startup and as soon as your about to load into the main menu it boots you out to Steam VR... I am so disappointed by this which probably means Skyrim won't be playable either. There's some news on this as well.

It's a SteamVR game, so it works on Rift. Valve did need to push a patch to get it working properly, but that happened within hours.
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