[SOLVED] Is it coming from my computer or a specific website?

You went to some site that has malicious code, which is trying to compromise your system and your data.

Since no antivirus tool is 100% effective, and since this is likely not the first time you've been to "specific" sites...your system is probably already compromised.
You just don't know it yet.
You went to some site that has malicious code, which is trying to compromise your system and your data.

Since no antivirus tool is 100% effective, and since this is likely not the first time you've been to "specific" sites...your system is probably already compromised.
You just don't know it yet.
Stay off of such sites

Thanks for the confirmation

You went to some site that has malicious code, which is trying to compromise your system and your data.

Since no antivirus tool is 100% effective, and since this is likely not the first time you've been to "specific" sites...your system is probably already compromised.
You just don't know it yet.

Thanks for the confirmation that it's not coming from my computer and only when I try to access "specific" sites
i saw the word 'player' in the blocked link (some sort of media player download, always suspect anyway), and, even best case it could be an advisory that customers attempting to pay for movie services, subscription, etc., had their data stolen, so, once reported, the entire website if flagged /blacked as such...

I'd heed the 'stay away' advice :)