Is it dumb to buy an 6700k or 6600k if I'm not interested in overclocking?


Aug 5, 2015

My i7-950 is long overdue so I finally want to upgrade to Skylake.
I only use my PC for gaming. I'm wondering, is it stupid to buy a Skylake-K if I'm not interested in overclocking?

Will there be a big difference with the regular 6700 or 6600 performance-wise?

Last question: which CPU cooler do I need if I don't overclock?
Dumb? No. Usually even at stock, the K-models are slightly faster. And you always can decide to overclock later on. If you are wise, however, then you may just want to wait until the locked models come out and see how much you can save. If it's like $30, it may not be a big deal.
Dumb? No. Usually even at stock, the K-models are slightly faster. And you always can decide to overclock later on. If you are wise, however, then you may just want to wait until the locked models come out and see how much you can save. If it's like $30, it may not be a big deal.
I mostly use my computer for non gaming things, like Visual studio for compiling and some video. I want to upgrade from my AMD 8150 that's about to die. Should I bother waiting for this or get an existing intel. I want to use the ddr4 and the m.2 drive eventually. CPU price for i5-6600k isn't that bad.

any guess on the date?
if gaming is your only goal, get an fx 8350, although your i7 should be good neough and if rendering or other things, even better to get the fx 8350 or even the 8370

look at this video from digital foundry

even the fx8350 is just as fast as the latest core i5, for $90 less.

plus if you game at 60hz there is no need to pay extra for a cpu that pushes 100fps vs 90fps from an amd cpu

really the fx8530 is comparable to the new intels? I thought there were a lot more advantages
what about added ddr4?
I mostly use is for compiling software and surfing the web, plus videos/web rtc.